Bachelor of Applied Computer Science

Articulation Scholarship

Value: $3000 with multiple awards each year
Program: Bachelor of Applied Computer Science in the Faculty of Computer Science
Eligibility: Applicants must have completed an application to the Bachelor of Applied Computer Science program at Dalhousie University and be enrolled in or have completed a program with one of our partner community college programs.

Information technology is transforming modern business, accelerating discovery in science, revolutionizing medicine, and expanding the reach of social enterprises. The capacity to design and build great software is a key component in a computer science degree. This one-year entrance scholarship is a way for us to recognize students who have already begun to demonstrate their passion for technology and computer science skills through their community college program.

Examples to demonstrate this passion might include:

  • Development of your own software projects
  • Contributions to software projects
  • Participation in Hackathons and other technology events
  • Blogging on various topics in computer science and/or the ICT industry
  • Teaching others how to code or use computers
  • Leadership empowered by a command of technology
  • Participation in groups working with technology

The Program

The Bachelor of Applied Computer Science degree at Dalhousie University is an applied program of study created to graduate leaders with a deep understanding of how to develop, manage, and deploy technology to empower organizations to achieve their goals. Students - many of whom have never coded before - not only develop programming skills, but also learn how to design, manage and deploy complex technologies within organizations. Courses in web systems, project management, computer networks, software engineering, databases, data warehousing and analytics, business, and management information systems give students the skills to analyze problems, manage and lead teams to solve them, and communicate the solutions back to the wider organization.

At the heart of the Bachelor of Applied Computer Science degree is a sequence of practicum courses in which integrated teams consisting of students from years 2-4 work together on large-scale projects to solve real problems posed by non-profit and industry partners. Students learn by doing and experiencing different team roles that are critical to the success of real-world software projects. In addition to technical skills, students develop the people, communication, and management skills that are critical to success.