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Stage Design and Technical Theatre

Dalhousie’s program in Stage Design and Technical Theatre combines both practical and academic study. You’ll acquire skills tailored to your interests through our wide variety of subjects. Our program combines theory and aesthetics with practical skills and hands-on learning. Our Fountain School student to instructor ratio is relatively low compared to similar programs. You’ll benefit from small class sizes and individual mentoring.

Core classes include:
•scenic design
•prop building
•scenic construction
•stage lighting
•stage management
•scenic painting
•sound design
•multimedia design
•projection design

During your intensive four years here, you’ll specialized in areas that interest you and hold principle positions on multiple Fountain School interdisciplinary productions each season. Our students get a seat at the production table, working alongside fellow students, faculty, guest artists, playwrights and directors. You’ll help build stage productions from the ground up.


Structure of the program

BA with Honours in Theatre (Stage Design and Technical Theatre)

BA Major in Theatre
