
Dal History is Hiring!

Part-Time Academic: Europe & World War II, Winter 2025

A part-time academic is required to teach HIST 3050: Europe and World War II, in the winter term 2024/2025 academic year (January to Apriil 2025). 

The part-time academic is responsible for all aspects of teaching, grading and administration of the class. In addition, the part-time academic is to be available for two hours per week outside of class time for student consultation. The part-time academic reports to the Chair of the History Department. 

Candidates should possess, or be working toward a PhD in History or related field.  

Apply Now: https://dal.peopleadmin.ca/postings/16903

Part-Time Academic: War & Society Since 1945, Winter 2025

A part-time academic is required to teach HIST 2055:03, in the winter term of the 2024/2025 academic year (January to April 2025). 

The part-time academic is responsible for all aspects of teaching, grading and administration of the class. In addition, the part-time academic is to be available for two hours per week outside of class time for student consultation. The part-time academic reports to the Chair of the History Department. 

Candidate must possess or be working toward a PhD in History or related field.  

Apply Now: https://dal.peopleadmin.ca/postings/16901