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Bursaries, Awards and Prizes


Dalhousie University's Bursary program provides funds to assist students in financial need and students must complete a bursary application in order to be considered.  More information about bursaries and the application process is available on the Money Matters page.

When you submit an application you will be considered for all available bursaries, but there are several that require students to be declared English majors.  If you want to be considered for these bursaries you must first declare your major.   

The Sophie MacLeod Memorial Bursary

The "Throw the Switch, Igor" Bursary

English Bursary for Black and Aboriginal Students


Undergraduate Awards and Prizes

These awards and prizes do not require any application from the student as they are awarded based on academic standing or the nomination of a faculty member.  Most require that the student be a declared English major.

The Avie Bennett Prize

The Allan and Lura Bevan Memorial Scholarship

Barbara Bennett Chittick Prize

The Graham Creighton Prize

The Kim Rilda LeBlanc Memorial Award in Healing and the Arts

The Archibald MacMechan Chapter/IODE Scholarship in English

Paul McIsaac Memorial Prize

Margaret Nicoll Pond Memorial Prize in English

Samantha Li Memorial Award

The James W. Tupper Graduate Fellowship in English

The University Medal in English


Literary Prizes

Each year the English Department oversees a number of literary prize competitions. The Valentine's Day Sonnet contest and the Varma Prizes in Gothic Literature require that the student be a declared English major.  The Clare Murray Fooshee prizes are open to any undergraduate student registered at Dalhousie or King's University.

Clare Murray Fooshee Prize

The Varma Prizes in Gothic Literature

Graduate Awards

All applicants to our MA or PhD programmes will automatically be considered for funding allocated to the department by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.  Our students are also very successful in winning NSGS, SSHRC, and Killam funding and all applicants are encouraged to apply for these awards.  The scholarships and prizes below have been donated by generous benefactors and we thank them for their support.

Patricia Keane Scholarship in English

The Malcolm Ross Thesis Award

The Malcolm Ross Graduate Scholarship

Hilda and Albert Tyler Prize

Lynne and Clyde Evans Graduate Scholarship in English
