David Evans
Associate Professor

Email: david.evans@dal.ca
Phone: 902-494-6925
Mailing Address:
Room 1190, McCain Building, 6135 University Avenue
PO BOX 15000, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2
Research Topics:PO BOX 15000, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2
- American literature
- Film studies
- Modernist literature
- 20th century American culture
- Literature of the great depression
- BA (Toronto)
- MA, PhD (Rutgers)
Selected Publications
- Understanding James, Understanding Modernism. Editor. 2017 (Bloomsbury Press)
- America and Violence. Special issue of the Canadian Review of American Studies. Co-editor. 2008."Robert Frost and the Great Depression." Robert Frost in Context. Ed. Mark Richardson, 2014. (U. of Cambridge P.)
- "True West and Lying Marks: The Englishman's Boy, Blood Meridian, and the Paradox of the Revisionist Western." Texas Studies in Language and Literature. 55.4 (2013).
- "'The Chains of Not Choosing': Free Will and Faith in William James and David Foster Wallace." A Companion to David Foster Wallace Studies. Ed. Marshall Boswell and Stephen Burn. 2013 (Palgrave MacMillan).
- "CUT! ... Flannery O'Connor's Apotemnophiliac Allegories." American Literature 81.2 (2009). 305-331.
- William Faulkner, William James, and the American Pragmatic Tradition. 2008 (Louisiana State University Press).
- "Alien Corn: The War of the Worlds, Independence Day, and the Limits of the Global Imagination," Dalhousie Review (2001).
- "Guiding Metaphors: the Path from William James to Robert Frost," Arizona Quarterly (2000).
- "Teaching Faulkner Pragmatically," Teaching Faulkner: Approaches and Contexts, Methods and Strategies, ed. Stephen Hahn and Robert W. Hamblin (UP of Mississippi, 2000).
- "Taking the Place of Nature: ‘The Bear’ and the Incarnation of America," Faulkner and the Natural World, ed. Donald Kartiganer and Ann Abadie (UP of Mississippi, 1999).
- Visiting Fellow, the Rothermere American Institute, University of Oxford, Spring 2006
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, Calgary Institute for the Humanities (1997)
- NVSA Carol Lansbury Award (1997)
- Catherine Moynahan Prize (1992, 1995)
- Doctoral Fellowship, Center for the Critical Analysis of Contemporary Culture (1987)
- SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship (1986-88)