Andrew Brown
Assistant Professor

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- Early Modern drama
- Shakespeare studies
- Book history and bibliography
- Digital humanities
- Law and literature
- Textual editing
· BA, York University
· MA, McGill University
· PhD, Yale University
Andrew S. Brown’s research and teaching focus on the literature, politics, and culture of early modern England (ca. 1550-1700). He was previously the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) Digital Humanities Network Postdoctoral Fellow at the Jackman Humanities Institute, University of Toronto.
His current book project, Artificial Persons: Fictions of Representation in Early Modern Drama, asks: how did the stage contribute to the idea that we can authorize people not just to speak and act on our behalf, but to stand in for us and take on aspects of our personhood? He is also at work on a second long-term project, which uses methods from both digital humanities and the history of the book to explore how early modern English literature, law, and cartography developed a new concept of water as a vital form of infrastructure—a concept that extended across the Atlantic, and which continues to shape disputes over water rights today.
His essays and reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in the journals English Literary Renaissance, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, Studies in Philology, Eighteenth-Century Studies, Milton Studies, and Early Theatre; the edited collection Shakespeare and Consciousness; and the Marginalia Review of Books online. For more information, visit his website at
Selected Publications
“Pericles and the Sea of Things,” Shakespearean International Yearbook 20 (2023), 93–113.
“Ridiculous Subjects: Coriolanus, Popular Representation, and the Roman Tribunes in Early Modern Drama,” English Literary Renaissance 52.2 (2022), 229-59.
“Quakerism, Metadiscourse, and ‘Paradise Found,’” Studies in Philology 117.3 (2020), 606-26.
“Marina and the Market for Shakespeare in Eighteenth-Century Performance,” Eighteenth-Century Studies 51.2 (2018), 163-78.
“‘The Minstrelsy of Heaven’: Representation and the Politics of Lyric in Paradise Lost,” Milton Studies 57 (2016), 63-92. Milton Society of America Albert C. Labriola Award.