Writing Centre

We are open all summer! Please see hours here.

The Killam Atrium is under renovation, so please access the Writing Centre (Killam G40) through the accessway from University Avenue, or enter through the Library back door that faces Howe Hall. 



The Writing Centre offers writing support for students in undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs in all fields of study. We meet with students one-to-one to discuss written work, from first-year assignments to final reports and dissertations. 


We also offer writing workshops, academic integrity seminars, supplemental classes, and special events including dedicated writing weeks to support student writing.


Our goal at the Writing Centre is to support students to write independently; therefore, we are happy to provide feedback at any stage of the writing process from pre-writing to revision. We also advise on grammar, punctuation, and citation, but please note that the Writing Centre is not a proofreading or copyediting service.