D’Arcy Jones Architects 2009 – 2020
TITLE : D’Arcy Jones Architects 2009 – 2020
AUTHOR: D’Arcy Jones
EDITORS : Brian Carter
SERIES: Architectural Signatures Canada
FORMAT : 8.5” x 8.5,” softcover, 168 pages, colour images
PUBLISHED : November 2021
ISBN : 9780929112756
PRICE : $39.95 (CAD)

ESSAYS : Christine Macy, Trevor Boddy, Andrew Gruft
D’Arcy Jones Architects 2009 – 2020 presents the work and methods of this Vancouver firm. These buildings emerge from a dialogue between concept and situation, material and function. Each project develops from the inside out, through an iterative design process centered around human comfort and function. The book presents renovations and conversions that emphasize the materiality and pure volume of older buildings, as well as new builds that explore modern civility and emphasize their natural settings.