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For Current Students

Work Safety

The University’s safety policies are guided by Nova Scotia’s provincial workplace safety act, based on the Internal Responsibility System. This means that students, supervisors and administrators of a workplace share responsibility for health and safety — in other words, safety in the workplace is the responsibility of each of us.

The Faculty of Architecture and Planning has developed a Faculty Workplace Safety Framework. This document provides:

  • an overview of Dalhousie’s workplace safety policies;
  • an explanation of what this means for activities in the Faculty of Architecture and Planning;
  • advice and procedures for working safely on extramural free labs or design-build activities;
  • advice and procedures for safe travelling, whether on field trips or internationally;
  • rules for using the Faculty’s technical facilities and equipment whether on-campus or off-campus;
  • forms you must submit before engaging in off-campus activities;
  • accident or incident report forms.

Faculty Workplace Safety Framework


Download the two Travel Forms (Form 4A: Student Travel Information; and Form 4B: Student Acknowledgment of Risk for Off-Campus Activities). You must fill them in and submit them to the Architecture office or the Planning office before leaving on any off-campus travel or activities.
