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Graduate Program FAQs


How do I apply to a Faculty of Agriculture graduate program (MSc or PhD)?

How do I find a supervisor?

How do I get funding for my graduate studies?

How do I apply to the graduate program?

Are GRE scores required/mandatory for my application?

What scholarships should I apply for along with my application?

Can I apply without having already found a supervisor or funding?

Do I need a visa to study in Canada and how long will this take?

Do I apply to the MSc or PhD program?

Can I still apply if I don't have an honours undergraduate degree?

Is there a minimum undergraduate grade requirement?

How long will my graduate program take?

How much is tuition?

MSc and PhD programs

How much is tuition?

What information do I need to know as a Current Student?

Can I study part-time for a graduate degree?

Can I switch from the MSc to the PhD program?

Can I switch from the PhD to the MSc program?

Where can I find Forms and Documents for my program?

Supervisors and the supervisory committee

If I am having problems with my supervisor, whom should I see?

Who decides the composition of a student’s supervisory committee?

Who should be on my supervisory committee?

Can I change my supervisory committee?

Can I change my supervisor?

Courses and course requirements

How many courses must I take?

Can I take courses in other Dalhousie departments?

Can I take undergraduate courses?

How do I register for courses?

How do I arrange Special Topics courses?

Do I have to take the Graduate Communications course

Teaching Assistant (TA) requirement

What is the TA requirement?

Am I paid extra for TAing?

How do I arrange to become a TA?

Can I TA more than two courses?

Can I waive the TA requirement?

Admission to Candidacy Examination (ATC)

What is the ATC examination?

When should I do my ATC examination?

Who are my ATC examiners?

Who should read drafts of my ATC proposal?

Can I retake the ATC examination?

Are ATC examinations public?

Should I give the examiners a hard copy or a PDF of the proposal?

Preliminary examination (PhD students only)

What is the preliminary examination?

What am I examined on?

When should I do my preliminary examination?

Who are the examiners for my preliminary examination?

Are preliminary examinations public?

Should I give the examiners hard copies or PDFs of the review essay and progress report?

Comprehensive examination (PhD students only)

What is the comprehensive examination?

Where can I find more information?

MSc thesis defence

Who are the examiners for my MSc thesis?

Who sets up the time and place for my MSc thesis defence?

Are MSc examinations public?

PhD thesis defence

Who are the examiners for my PhD thesis?

How do I arrange my PhD thesis defence?

Are PhD examinations public?

Scholarships and funding

What happens if my scholarship runs out before I have finished my graduate program?
