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PhD (Plant Genetics), 1998, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
BSc, Honours (Biology), 1992, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Current research interests

The effects of bioactive compounds and of fungicides on plants and plant pathogens, molecular plant, animal and microbial genetics, plant systematics and population genetics, the development of genetic markers, genome organization and evolution, transcriptomics and metabolomics

Researcher profile

Teaching (lectures) – currently

Course No.

Course name

BIOA 2008

Plant Diversity

BIOA 2000

Cell Biology

CHMA 3009

Environmental Chemistry

ENVA 3004

Principles of pest management

Teaching (lectures) - past

Course No.

Course name

RESM 4014

Honours Thesis I

MCRA 2000


BIOA 2005

Principles of Plant Pathology

HORT 2010

Controlled environment agriculture I

RESM 4006

Environmental Project Seminar I

CHMA 3006

Mammalian Biochemistry

Teaching (labs)

Course No.

Course name

BIOA 2008

Plant Diversity

BIOA 3002

Weed Science

BIOA 0103

Weed Science

ENVA 3004

Principles of pest management


2018 - 2022: Adjunct, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Dalhousie University, NS, Canada


  • Kuldeep Anjana. Thesis Title: Plant diseases in Dalhousie University Agricultural Campus’s Community and Demonstration Gardens. (BSc (Honours); registered August 2022; completed).
  • Vijaya Raje Singh. Thesis Title: Effect of soilless substrate formulations on the growth of lettuce cultivars in a hydroponic system. (BSc (Honours); registered August 2022; completed).


  • Curator of the A.E. Roland Herbarium
  • Management of growth chambers

Publications (last 5 years)
