2002: Mr. Mike Devanney (co-supervised with Prof. John Tait, NSAC). Use of parallel and field documentation systems in wild blueberry production.
2002: Ms. Corrine Chisholm. Competition between the wild blueberry and Canada bluegrass for the physical environment parameters light and soil moisture.
1999: Ms. A. Walsh, NSAC. Crop and weed density effects on leaf gas exchange and biomass production.
1999: Ms. A. Dryden, NSAC. Influence of acid rain on leaf pigmentation and gas exchange, leaf fluorescence, growth and development, and yield of lowbush blueberry.
1999: Ms. R. Lavangie. Morphological and phytochemical differences influence pollinator behaviour, fruit set, and yield in wild blueberries.
1998: Ms. Mary Bryant, NSAC. Use of gibberellic acid to improve yield and fruit firmness of blueberry.
1998: Jennifer Stewart, NSAC. Phytohormones (i.e., GA’s and anti-GA’s) and foliar-applied nutrients influence flower initiation and yield of lowbush blueberry.
1997-1998: Patricia Meadows, NSAC. Use of aquaculture waste water as a nutritional amendment.
1997-1998: Gerald MacDonald (co-supervised with Dr. J. Kemp, UPEI). Foliar-applied boron influences pollen viability, pollen tube growth, fruit set, yield, and fruit composition of lowbush blueberry.
1997: William Malay, NSAC. Vegetation management of lowbush blueberries.
1996: Nicole Bailey, NSAC. Impact of soil amendments and companion crops on the lowbush blueberry.
1996: Jennifer Coopar, NSAC. Boron assimilation and partitioning in lowbush blueberry.
1996: Jelmar Wiersma, NSAC. Spatial differences in the lowbush blueberry mycorrhizal association.