Phosphorus Management in Organic Systems
- Resources
- Soils and Fertility
- Horticulture
- Field Crops
- Crop Rotation
- Pest Management
- Season Extension
- Seed Production and Plant Breeding
- Livestock
- Ecology and Environment
- Nutrition, Safety and Health of Organic Foods
- Post-harvest Handling, Storage and Processing
- Social Science
- Marketing and Economics
- Transition to Organic
- Canadian Organic Research Priorities
Practical Resources
- Assessment of Alternative Phosphorus Fertilizers for Organic Farming: Compost and Digestates from Urban Organic Wastes
- FiBL. 2016
- Canadian Organic Inputs Directory:
- High soil test phosphorus and potassium levels on a long-term organic farm: trends, causes, and solutions
- eOrganic. 2017
- Increasing Phosphorus Availability through Green Manure, Composted Manure and Rock Phosphate [PDF - 118 kB]
- OACC. 2006
- OACC. 2006
- Meeting the Phosphorus Requirement on Organic Farms [PDF - 477 kB]
- International Plant Nutrition Network. 2008
- Organic Crop Management and Soil Phosphorus [PDF - 425 kB]
- International Plant Nutrition Network. 2006
- Phosphate Rocks Influence Green Manure Growth and Soil Phosphorus Dynamics [PDF - 206 kB]
- OACC. 2007
Scientific Results
- Accelerated phosphorus accumulation and acidification of soils under plastic greenhouse condition in four representative organic vegetable cultivation sites
- Scientia Horticulturae (2015) 195: 67-73
- Assessing phosphorus management among organic farming systems: a farm input, output and budget analysis in southwestern France
- Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2012) 92: 225-236
- Available nitrogen and phosphorus in soil amended with fresh or composted cattle manure containing straw or wood-chip bedding
- Canadian Journal of Soil Science (2010) 90: 341-354
- Chapter Four - Improved Phosphorus Recycling in Organic Farming: Navigating Between Constraints
- Advances in Agronomy (2018) 147:159-237
- Contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to utilization of organic sources of phosphorus by red clover in a calcareous soil
- Applied Soil Ecology (2003) 22: 139-148
- Crop response to current and previous season applications of phosphorus as affected by crop sequence and tillage
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2009) 89: 49-66
- Earthworms change the distribution and availability of phosphorous in organic substrates
- Soil Biology & Biochemistry (2006) 38:235–246
- Effect of long-term tillage and mineral phosphorus fertilization on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a humid continental zone of Eastern Canada
- Plant and Soil (2013) 369: 599-613
- Fate of manure phosphorus in a weathered sandy clay loam soil amended with three animal manures
- Bioresource Technology (2010) 101: 6584-6588
- Forms of phosphorus in composts and in compost-amended soils following incubation
- Canadian Journal of Soil Science (2012) 92: 711-712
- Fresh and residual phosphorus uptake by ryegrass from soils with different fertilization histories
- Organic Eprints. 2014
- Organic Eprints. 2014
- Green manure and phosphate rock effects on phosphorus availability in a northern Great Plains dryland organic cropping system
- Organic Agriculture (2011) 1: 81-90
- High soil phosphorus levels overrule the potential benefits of organic farming on arbuscular mycorrhizal diversity in northern vineyards
- Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2017) 248: 144-152
- High yielding organic crop management decreases plant-available but not recalcitrant soil phosphorus
- Agronomy Journal (2009) 101: 1027-1035
- Identifying and controlling critical sources of farm phosphorus imbalances for Vermont dairy farms
- Agricultural Systems (2011) 104: 551-561
- Impact of Land Use on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Communities in Rural Canada
- Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2013) 79: 6719-6729
- Improving green manure quality with phosphate rocks in Ontario Canada
- Aspects of Applied Biology (2006) 79:283-287
- Linking alkaline phosphatase activity with bacterial phoD gene abundance in soil from a long-term management trial
- Geoderma (2015) 257-258: 115-122
- Long-term negative phosphorus budgets in organic crop rotations deplete plant-available phosphorus from soil
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2017) 37: 17
- Losses of nitrogen and phosphorus via the drainage system from organic crop rotations with and without livestock on a clay soil in southwest Sweden
- Organic Agriculture (2012) 1: 217-229
- Mycorrhizal colonization, P uptake and yield of older and modern wheats under organic management
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2011) 91: 663-667
- Organic management and legume presence maintained phosphorus bioavailability in a 17-year field crop experiment
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2015) 30: 211-222
- P and K fertilization in organic farming reduces N2 fixation and grain yield in a red cover-oat rotation
- Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (2004) 167: 106-113
- Phosphorus and aluminium solubility relationships in acidic lowbush blueberry barren soils in Maine
- Soil Use and Management (2013) 29: 485-493
- Phosphorus availability on many organically managed farms in Europe
- Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2018) 110:227-239
- Phosphorus budget and phosphorus availability in soils under organic and conventional farming
- Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2002) 62: 25-35
- Phosphorus forms and enzymatic hydrolyzability of organic phosphorus in soils after 30 years of organic and conventional farming
- Organic Eprints. 2014
- Organic Eprints. 2014
- Phosphorus Leaching from Two Soils with Catch Crops Exposed to Freeze–Thaw Cycles
- Agronomy Journal (2013) 105: 803-811
- Phosphorus Sources and Management in Organic Production Systems
- HortTechnology (2007) 17: 442-454
- Phosphorus status on Canadian organic farms
- Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2007) 87:2 737–2740
- Plant- and microbial- based mechanisms to improve the agronomic effectiveness of phosphate rock: A review
- Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (2006) 78(4): 791-807
- Quantification of bacterial non-specific acid (phoC) and alkaline (phoD) phosphatase genes in bulk and rhizosphere soil from organically managed soybean fields
- Applied Soil Ecology Online, ahead of print
- Replace, reuse, recycle: improving the sustainable use of phosphorus by plants
- Journal of Experimental Botany (2015) 66: 3523-3540
- Residues from a buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) green manure crop grown with phosphate rock influence bioavailability of soil phosphorus
- Canadian Journal of Soil Science (2010) 90: 257-266
- Soil bacterial phoD gene abundance and expression in response to applied phosphorus and long-term management
- Soil Biology & Biochemistry (2015) 88: 137-147
- Soil phosphorus effects on forage harvested and nitrogen fixation on Canadian organic dairy farms
- Agronomy Journal (2013) 105: 845-853
- Soil Phosphorus Forms from Organic and Conventional Forage Fields
- Soil Science Society of America Journal (2016) 80:
- Soil Science Society of America Journal (2016) 80:
- Thirty-seven years of soil nitrogen and phosphorus fertility management shapes the structure and function of the soil microbial community in a Brown Chernozem
- Plant and Soil (2009) 315: 173-184
- Tillage and rotational effects on exchangeable and enzyme-labile phosphorus forms in conventional and organic cropping systems
- Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2015) 101: 153-165
- Total loss and distribution of nitrogen and phosphorus in the outdoor run of organic laying hens
- British Poultry Science (2012) 53: 731-740
- Using arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to improve the nutrient quality of crops; nutritional benefits in addition to phosphorus
- Scientia Horticulturae (2012) 148: 206-214