Site Menu
Cover Crops and Green Manures in Organic Production
- Resources
- Soils and Fertility
- Horticulture
- Field Crops
- Crop Rotation
- Pest Management
- Season Extension
- Seed Production and Plant Breeding
- Livestock
- Ecology and Environment
- Nutrition, Safety and Health of Organic Foods
- Post-harvest Handling, Storage and Processing
- Social Science
- Marketing and Economics
- Transition to Organic
- Canadian Organic Research Priorities
Practical Resources
General cover crop resources
- Beyond Black Plastic: Cover crops and organic no-till for vegetable production [PDF - 1.5 MB]
- Rodale Institute. 2014
- Consider time when planting green manure mixes
- OrganicBiz. 2016
- Cover Crop Innovations Webinar Series Recordings
- Penn State Extension. 2013
- Cover Crop Questions and Answers
- Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 2012
- Cover Cropping in Organic Farming Systems
- eOrganic. 2013
- Cover Crops Bring a Diversity of Benefits to the Farm
- Midwest Organic & Sustainable Education Service. 2013
- Cover Crops for Organic Farms
- Center for Environmental Farming Systems. 2006
- Cover Crops for Sustainable Crop Rotations
- SARE. 2015
- Cover Crops on the Intensive Market Farm [PDF - 841 kB]
- Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 2003
- Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. 2003
- Cover Crops Survey Analysis
- Sustainable Agriculture Research & Extension. 2013
- Implementing cover crop-based reduced tillage in small scale organic vegetable production
- US Organic Agriculture Research Symposium. 2015
- Making the Most of Mixtures: Considerations for Winter Cover Crops in Temperate Climates
- eOrganic. 2015
- Market Farming with Rotations and Cover Crops: An Organic Bio-Extensive System
- The Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture. 2015
- Mix-and-Match Cover Cropping Can Optimize Organic Production
- USDA Agricultural Research Service. 2013
- Quantifying the impacts of cover crops on organic dry beans
- US Organic Agriculture Research Symposium. 2015
- Reduced Tillage in Organic Specialty Crop Systems - Recorded webinar
- Science and Technology Library of USDA. 2015
- The Role of Cover Crops in Organic Transition Strategies Recorded Webinar
- eOrganic. 2012
- Short Duration Cover Crops for Vegetable Production Systems
- Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. 2016
- Soil is Meant to be Covered
- Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 2013
- Sustainable Organic Vegetable Systems: Evaluating Green Manure and Biowaste Composts [PDF - 83 kB]
- OACC. 2010
- Sustainable Production of Fresh-Market Tomatoes and Other Vegetables With Cover Crop Mulches [PDF - 1.0 MB]
- USDA Agricultural Research Service. 2007
- Using Cover Crop Mixtures to Achieve Multiple Goals on the Farm Recorded Webinar
- eOrganic. 2014
- Using Sheep to Terminate Cover Crops in Organic Farming: Video
- eOrganic. 2015
- Using Cover Crops in Organic Systems: Resources and Research from SARE
- eOrganic. 2013
- eOrganic. 2013
- Utilizing Cover Crops in Organic Production Webinar Recording
- Canadian Farm Business Management Council, COABC Seminar Series. 2009
- Canadian Farm Business Management Council, COABC Seminar Series. 2009
- Vegetable Farmers and their Innovative Cover Cropping Techniques (Video)
- eOrganic. 2011
- Video: Using Sheep to Terminate Cover Crops in Organic Farming
- eOrganic. 2016
- A web-based cover crop decision tool for growers in Eastern Canada
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Pest Management Centre. 2015
- A win-win for legume mixtures
- Organic Eprints. 2012
Cover crop selection and production guides
- Buckwheat Cover Crop Handbook
- Sustainable Agriculture Research & Extension. 2008
- Brassicas and Mustards for Cover Cropping in Organic Farming
- eOrganic. 2013
- Buying and Sourcing Cover Crop Seed for Organic Farming Systems
- eOrganic. 2014
- eOrganic. 2014
- Cereal Rye for Cover Cropping in Organic Systems
- eOrganic. 2013
- Cover Crop Chart
- USDA Agricultural Research Service. 2013
- Cover Crop Decision Tool for Eastern Canada
- Pesticide Risk Reduction Program. 2014
- Cover Crop Decision Tool
- Midwest Cover Crops Council
- Cover Crop Selection Recorded Webinar
- eOrganic. 2012
- Cover Crops: Buckwheat
- Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 2001
- Cover Crops: A Series of Infomation Sheets
- Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 2001
- Fall Control of a Red Clover Cover Crop
- Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 2012
- Grazed Green Manures
- Natural Systems Agriculture. 2010
- Grazed Green Manures: Phase 2 - The Next Crop
- Natural Systems Agriculture. 2011
- Green Manure Options for Organic Farmers [PDF - 106 kB]
- OACC. 2006
- OACC. 2006
- Green Manure Options - On-farm Demonstration [PDF - 633 kB]
- OACC. 2008
- OACC. 2008
- Green Manure Tool Kit: A practical guide to growing green manures
- Developed for the Prairie Organic Grain Initiative by the Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada. 2017
- Hairy Vetch for Cover Cropping in Organic Farming
- eOrganic. 2013
- How to Choose Cover Crops [PDF – 191 kB]
- Midwest Organic & Sustainable Education Service. 2015
- Optimizing the Benefits of Hairy Vetch in Organic Production Recorded Webinar
- eOrganic. 2012
- Organic Risk Management: Winter Cover Crops [PDF - 833 kB]
- University of Minnesota. 2010
- Radishes – A New Cover Crop for Organic Farming Systems
- eOrganic. 2012
- Under Cover: A Guide to Using Cover Crops in the Maritimes [PDF - 717 kB]
- Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network. 2008
Cover crops for soil health and fertility
- Assessing Nitrogen Contribution and Rhizobia Diversity with Winter Legume Cover Crops in Organic Systems Recorded Webinar
- eOrganic. 2013
- Can Soil Save Us? Making the Case for Cover Crops as Extreme Weather Risk Management
- National Wildlife Federation. 2015
- Cover Crops and Fertility Management
- Tri-State Organic IP Video Series. 2007
- Cover Crops for Soil Health Workshop – Recorded Presentations
- Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education and Delaware State University. 2016
- Estimating Plant-Available Nitrogen Contribution from Cover Crops Recorded Webinar
- eOrganic. 2012
- Examining root nodule activity on legumes
- FiBL. 2017
- Field vegetable production: Using cover crops for weed management
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 2011
- Green Manures: Ask an Expert with Dr. Kathleen Delate, Dr. Martin Entz and Dr. Derek Lynch
- Prairie Organics: Think Whole Farm Recorded Presentations. 2016
- Prairie Organics: Think Whole Farm Recorded Presentations. 2016
- Legume Inoculation for Organic Farming Systems
- eOrganic. 2015
- Organic Fertilizer and Cover Crop Calculator
- Oregon State University
Cover crops for weed and pest management
- Cover Cropping for Pollinators and Beneficial Insects
- Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education. 2015
- Cover Cropping to Suppress Weeds in Northeast US Farming Systems Recorded Webinar
- eOrganic. 2012
- Cover Crops as Beneficial Insect Habitats: Observations from a Demonstration Organic Market Farm [PDF – 4.3 MB]
- Kerr Centre for Sustainable Agriculture. 2015
- Cover Crops for Disease Suppression Recorded Webinar
- eOrganic. 2012
- How Cover Crops Suppress Weeds
- eOrganic. 2011
- Mulch-based weed control
- Grainews. 2015
- Put the Weeds Out of Work—Grow Cover Crops!
- eOrganic. 2011
- Use of High Glucosinolate Mustard as an Organic Biofumigant in Vegetable Crops Recorded Webinar
- eOrganic. 2017
Scientific Results
General cover crop research
- A Decade of Progress in Organic Cover Crop-Based Reduced Tillage Practices in the Upper Midwestern USA
- Agriculture (2017) 7(5): 44
- Organic and conventional farmers differ in their perspectives on cover crop use and breeding
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2017) 32: 376-385
- Overview of Organic Cover Crop-Based No-Tillage Technique in Europe: Farmers’ Practices and Research Challenges
- Agriculture (2017) 7(5): 42
- Root biomass in cereals, catch crops and weeds can be reliably estimated without considering aboveground biomass
- Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2018) 251: 141-148
Cover crops for soil health and fertility
- Accumulation of biologically fixed nitrogen by legumes cultivated as cover crops in Switzerland
- Plant and Soil (2015) 393: 163-175
- Achieving Diverse Cover Crop Mixtures: Effects of Planting Date and Seeding Rate
- Agronomy Journal (2017) 109: 259-271
- Alternative Strategies for Transitioning to Organic Production in Direct-Seeded Grain Systems in Eastern Washington II: Nitrogen Fertility
- Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (2012) 36: 461-477
- Arable weeds, cover crops, and tillage drive soil microbial community composition in organic cropping systems
- Applied Soil Ecology (2013) 72: 232-241
- Barley–hairy vetch mixture as cover crop for green manuring and the mitigation of N leaching risk
- European Journal of Agronomy (2014) 54: 34-39
- Biomass and Nitrogen Content of Hairy Vetch–Cereal Rye Cover Crop Mixtures as Influenced by Species Proportions
- Agronomy Journal (2015) 107: 2069-2082
- Carbon and Nitrogen Release from Legume Crop Residues for Three Subsequent Crops
- Soil Science Society of America Journal (2015) 79: 1650-1659
- Contribution of relay intercropping with legume cover crops on nitrogen dynamics in organic grain systems
- Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2014) 98: 1-14
- Cover Crop Biomass Production and Water Use in the Central Great Plains
- Agronomy Journal (2015) 107: 2047-2058
- Cover crop effect on corn growth and yield as influenced by topography
- Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2014) 189: 229-239
- Cover Crop Impact on Nitrogen Availability and Dry Bean in an Organic System
- Agronomy Journal (2016) 108: 329-341
- Cover crop mixtures including legume produce ecosystem services of nitrate capture and green manuring: Assessment combining experimentation and modelling
- Plant and Soil (2016) 401: 347-364
- Cover Crop Termination Timing is Critical in Organic Rotational No-Till Systems
- Agronomy Journal (2017) 109: 272-282
- Cover cropping frequency is the main driver of soil microbial changes during six years of organic vegetable production
- Soil Biology and Biochemistry (2017) 109: 188-204
- Cover Crops and Ecosystem Services: Insights from Studies in Temperate Soils
- Agronomy Journal (2015) 107: 2449-2474
- Cover crops reduce nitrogen leaching and improve food quality in an organic potato and broccoli farming rotation
- Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (2017) 72: 539-549
- Cover crops to increase soil microbial diversity and mitigate decline in perennial agriculture. A review
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2016) 36: 48
- Crop yield, root growth, and nutrient dynamics in a conventional and three organic cropping systems with different levels of external inputs and N re-cycling through fertility building crops
- European Journal of Agronomy (2012) 37: 66-82
- Do cover crop species and residue management play a leading role in pepper productivity?
- Scientia Horticulturae (2014) 166: 97-104
- Dry matter and nitrogen accumulation by three leguminous green manure species and the yield of a following winter wheat crop in an organic production system
- Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (1996) 57: 189-196
- Effect of green manure and supplemental fertility amendments on selected soil quality parameters in an organic potato rotation in Eastern Canada
- Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2014) 100: 135-146
- The effect of nitrogen catch crops species on the nitrogen nutrition of succeeding crops
- Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (1994) 37: 227-234
- Effects of contrasting catch crops on nitrogen availability and nitrous oxide emissions in an organic cropping system
- Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2015) 199: 382-393
- Effects of grass-clover management and cover crops on nitrogen cycling and nitrous oxide emissions in a stockless organic crop rotation
- Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2013) 181: 115-126
- Effects of mulching and cover cropping on soil microbial parameters in the organic growing of black currant
- Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (1997) 28: 913-925
- The Feasibility of Organic Nutrient Management in Large-scale Sweet Corn Production for Processing
- HortTechnology (2012) 22: 25-36
- First evidence for a major cover crop effect on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and organic maize growth
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2014) 34: 841-848
- Forage potential of six leguminous green manures and effect of grazing on following grain crops
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2015) 30: 503-514
- Forage radish and cereal rye cover crop effects on mycorrhizal fungus colonization of maize roots
- Plant and Soil (2010) 328: 507-521
- A framework for evaluating ecosystem services provided by cover crops in agroecosystems
- Agricultural Systems (2014) 125: 12-22
- Grass–Legume Mixtures and Soil Fertility Affect Cover Crop Performance and Weed Seed Production
- Weed Technology (2011) 25: 473-479
- Green manure-15N absorbed by broccoli and zucchini in sequential cropping
- Scientia Horticulturae (2017) 214: 209-213
- Hairy Vetch Seedbank Persistence and Implications for Cover Crop Management
- Agronomy Journal (2015) 107: 2391-2400
- Improving green manure quality with phosphate rocks in Ontario Canada
- Aspects of Applied Biology (2006) 79:283-287
- Influence of Seeding Ratio, Planting Date, and Termination Date on Rye-Hairy Vetch Cover Crop Mixture Performance under Organic Management
- PLoS ONE (2015) 10(6): e0129597
- Late-season catch crops reduce nitrate leaching risk after grazed green manures but release N slower than wheat demand
- Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2015) 202: 31-41
- Legume-based cropping systems have reduced carbon and nitrogen losses
- Nature (1998) 396:262-265
- Legume cover crops with winter cereals in southern Manitoba: Fertilizer replacement values for oat
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2005) 85: 645-648
- Legume cover crops with winter cereals in southern Manitoba: Establishment, productivity, and microclimate effects
- Agronomy Journal (2001) 93: 1086-1096
- Legume Proportion, Poultry Litter, and Tillage Effects on Cover Crop Decomposition
- Agronomy Journal (2015) 107: 2083-2096
- Management of organic hairy vetch (Vicia villosa) cover crops in establishment year
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2017) 97: 1-5
- Management of Overwintering Cover Crops Influences Floral Resources and Visitation by Native Bees
- Environmental Entomology (2015) 44: 999-1010
- Microbial community assimilation of cover crop rhizodeposition within soil microenvironments in alternative and conventional cropping systems
- Plant and Soil (2012) 356: 315-330
- Microbial community structure and abundance in the rhizosphere and bulk soil of a tomato cropping system that includes cover crops
- Applied Soil Ecology (2014) 77: 42-50
- Nitrate leaching from organic arable crop rotations is mostly determined by autumn field management
- Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2011) 142: 149-160
- Nitrogen Contribution of Legume/Cereal Mixed Cover Crops and Organic Fertilizers to an Organic Broccoli Crop
- HortScience (2011) 46: 1154-1162
- Nitrogen contribution of rye–hairy vetch cover crop mixtures to organically grown sweet corn
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2013) 28: 59-69
- Nitrogen dynamics in stockless organic clover–grass and cereal rotations
- Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2012) 92: 363-378
- Nitrogen Release Dynamics and Decomposition of Buried and Surface Cover Crop Residues
- Agronomy Journal (2016) 108: 1735-1741
- Optimizing Cover Crop Benefits with Diverse Mixtures and an Alternative Termination Method
- Agronomy Journal (2012) 104: 1425-1435
- Organic Fertilization, Green Manure, and Vetch Mulch to Improve Organic Zucchini Yield and Quality
- HortScience (2013) 48: 1027-1033
- Pea green manure management affects organic winter wheat yield and quality in semiarid Montana
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2011) 91: 497-508
- Phosphorus Leaching from Two Soils with Catch Crops Exposed to Freeze–Thaw Cycles
- Agronomy Journal (2013) 105: 803-811
- Planting Date and Staggered Seeding of Rye–Vetch Mixtures: Biomass, Nitrogen, and Legume Winter Survival
- Agronomy Journal (2015) 107: 33-40
- Plant species and mulch application rate affected decomposition of cover crop mulches used in organic rotational no-till systems
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2016) 96: 59-71
- Productivity and nitrogen benefits of late-season legume cover crops in organic wheat production
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2014) 94: 771-783
- Repeated use of green-manure catch crops in organic cereal production - grain yields and nitrogen supply
- Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science (2011) 61: 164-175
- Residues from a buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) green manure crop grown with phosphate rock influence bioavailability of soil phosphorus
- Canadian Journal of Soil Science (2010) 90: 257-266
- Review of published literature on applications of cover crops as part of integrated weed management systems in field vegetable crop production in Canada
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 2010
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 2010
- The role of catch crops in the ecological intensification of spring cereals in organic farming under Nordic climate
- European Journal of Agronomy (2012) 44: 98-108
- Root size fractions of ryegrass and clover contribute differently to C and N inclusion in SOM
- Biology and Fertility of Soils (2010) 46:293-297
- Rye–Vetch Mixture Proportion Tradeoffs: Cover Crop Productivity, Nitrogen Accumulation, and Weed Suppression
- Agronomy Journal (2014) 106: 904-914
- Rye–Vetch Spatial Arrangement and Tillage: Impacts on Soil Nitrogen and Sweet Corn Roots
- Agronomy Journal (2017) 109: 1013-1023
- Selection of fungi by candidate cover crops
- Applied Soil Ecology (2016) 103: 72-82
- Short-term nitrogen mineralization from warm-season cover crops in organic farming systems
- Plant and Soil (2015) 396: 353-367
- Soil microbial biomass, functional microbial diversity, and nematode community structure as affected by cover crops and compost in an organic vegetable production system
- Applied Soil Ecology (2012) 58: 45-55
- Structure, functions and interguild relationships of the soil nematode assemblage in organic vegetable production
- Applied Soil Ecology (2012) 61: 16-25
- Suitability of legume cover crop-winter wheat intercrops on the semi-arid Canadian Prairies
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2010) 90: 479-488
- Tillage System and Cover Crop Effects on Soil Quality: I. Chemical, Mechanical, and Biological Properties
- Soil Science Society of American Journal (2014) 78: 262-270
- Tillage System and Cover Crop Effects on Soil Quality: II. Pore Characteristics
- Soil Science Society of American Journal (2014) 78: 271-279
- Topography Mediates the Influence of Cover Crops on Soil Nitrate Levels in Row Crop Agricultural Systems
- PLoS ONE (2015) 10(11): e0143358
- Using cover crops in headlands of organic grain farms: Effects on soil properties, weeds and crop yields
- Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2016) 216: 322-332
- Winter cereal yields as affected by animal manure and green manure in organic arable farming
- Organic Eprints. 2009
- Winter cover crop effects on soil structural stability and microbiological activity in organic farming
- Biological Agriculture & Horticulture (2016) 32: 170-181
- Winter Cover Crop Seeding Rate and Variety Effects during Eight Years of Organic Vegetables: III. Cover Crop Residue Quality and Nitrogen Mineralization
- Agronomy Journal (2013) 105: 171-182
- Winter legume cover-crop root decomposition and N release dynamics under disking and roller-crimping termination approaches
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2016) 31: 214-229
Cover crops for weed and pest management
- Brassica cover cropping for weed management: A review
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2004) 19: 187-198
- Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense) Suppression with Buckwheat or Sudangrass Cover Crops and Mowing
- Weed Technology (2009) 23: 556-563
- Combining mechanical rhizome removal and cover crops for Elytrigia repens control in organic barley systems
- Weed Research (2013) 53: 461-469
- A Comparison of Drill and Broadcast Methods for Establishing Cover Crops on Beds
- HortScience (2014) 49: 441-447
- Cover Crop Effects on Light, Nitrogen, and Weeds in Organic Reduced Tillage
- Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (2015) 39: 647-665
- Cover Crop Impact on Weed Dynamics in an Organic Dry Bean System
- Weed Science (2016) 64: 261-275
- Cover Crop Species and Management Influence Predatory Arthropods and Predation in an Organically Managed, Reduced-Tillage Cropping System
- Environmental Entomology (2018) 47:340-355
- Cover-Crop Species as Distinct Biotic Filters in Weed Community Assembly
- Weed Science (2015) 61: 282-295
- Cover crop termination techniques affect ground predation within an organic vegetable rotation system: A test with artificial caterpillars
- Biological Control (2018) 117:109-114
- Cropping system effects on giant foxtail demography: I. Green manure and tillage timing
- Weed Science (2003) 51: 919-929
- Determining optimum plant population densities for three annual green manure crops under weedy and weed-free conditions
- University of Saskatchewan, MSc Thesis. 2004
- Do green manures as winter cover crops impact the weediness and crop yield in an organic crop rotation?
- Biological Agriculture & Horticulture (2016) 32
- Effect of cover cropping systems on invertebrate seed predation
- Weed Science (2005) 53: 69-76
- Effect of cover crops in smothering weeds and volunteer plants in alternative farming systems
- Crop Protection (2016) 91: 74-81
- Effect of Cover Crops on Aphids, Whiteflies, and Their Associated Natural Enemies in Organic Squash
- Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (2012) 36: 382-403
- Effect of sweetclover cultivars and management practices on following weed infestations and wheat yield
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2007) 87: 973-983
- Fall-sown cover crops as mulches for weed suppression in organic small-scale diversified vegetable production
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2017) 32: 349-357
- Grass–Legume Mixtures and Soil Fertility Affect Cover Crop Performance and Weed Seed Production
- Weed Technology (2011) 25: 473-479
- Hairy Vetch Biomass across the Eastern United States: Effects of Latitude, Seeding Rate and Date, and Termination Timing
- Agronomy Journal (2017) 109: 1510-1519
- Increased pepper yields following incorporation of biofumigation cover crops and the effects on soilborne pathogen populations and pepper diseases
- Applied Soil Ecology (2013) 63: 67-77
- Influence of annual forages on weed dynamics in a cropping system
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2000) 80: 187–198
- The influence of cover crop variety, termination timing and termination method on mulch, weed cover and soil nitrate in reduced-tillage organic systems
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2015) 30: 450-460
- The Influence of Different Cover Types on American Robin Nest Success in Organic Agroecosystems
- Sustainability (2013) 5: 3502-3512
- Influence of Winter Cover Crop Mulch on Arthropods in a Reduced Tillage Cucurbit System
- Environmental Entomology (2018) 47:292-299
- In-Season and Carry-Over Effects of Cover Crops on Productivity and Weed Suppression
- Agronomy Journal (2016) 108: 1624-1635
- Insect communities in soybeans of eastern South Dakota: The effects of vegetation management and pesticides on soybean aphids, bean leaf beetles, and their natural enemies
- Crop Protection (2013) 43: 104-118
- Manipulation of rhizosphere bacterial communities to induce suppressive soils
- Journal of Nematology (2007) 39: 213-220
- Mechanical Termination of Diverse Cover Crop Mixtures for Improved Weed Suppression in Organic Cropping Systems
- Weed Science (2013) 61: 162-170
- Mechanical wounding under field conditions: A potential tool to increase the allelopathic inhibitory effect of cover crops on weeds?
- European Journal of Agronomy (2013) 52: 229-236
- Mechanisms of weed suppression in cover crop–based production systems
- HortScience (1996) 31: 410-413
- Optimizing Cover Crop Benefits with Diverse Mixtures and an Alternative Termination Method
- Agronomy Journal (2012) 104: 1425-1435
- Rapeseed rotation, compost and biocontrol amendments reduce soilborne diseases and increase tuber yield in organic and conventional potato production systems
- Plant and Soil (2014) 374: 611-627
- Reducing the germinable weed seedbank with soil disturbance and cover crops
- Weed Research (2010) 50: 341-352
- Review of published literature on applications of cover crops as part of integrated weed management systems in field vegetable crop production in Canada
- Pesticide Risk Reduction Program. 2010
- Rye–Vetch Mixture Proportion Tradeoffs: Cover Crop Productivity, Nitrogen Accumulation, and Weed Suppression
- Agronomy Journal (2014) 106: 904-914
- Seeding Rate and Planting Arrangement Effects on Growth and Weed Suppression of a Legume-Oat Cover Crop for Organic Vegetable Systems
- Agronomy Journal (2009) 101: 979-988
- Smother Crop Mixtures for Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense) Suppression in Organic Transition
- Weed Science (2012) 60: 618-623
- Species-Specific Contributions to Productivity and Weed Suppression in Cover Crop Mixtures
- Agronomy Journal (2017) 109:2808-2819
- Suppression of spinach wilt disease by biological soil disinfestation incorporated with Brassica juncea plants in association with changes in soil bacterial communities
- Crop Protection (2013) 54: 185-193
- Using a Buckwheat Cover Crop for Maximum Weed Suppression after Early Vegetables
- HortTechnology (2013) 23: 575-580
- Weed Control in a Newly Established Organic Vineyard
- HortTechnology (2012) 22: 757-765
- Weed growth and crop performance following hairy vetch, rye, and wheat cover crops in a cool semiarid region
- Organic Agriculture (2013) 3: 149-161
- Weed suppression by cover crops: comparative on-farm experiments under integrated and organic conservation tillage
- Weed Research (2015) 55: 586-597
- Weed Suppression in Spring-Sown Rye (Secale cereale)–Pea (Pisum sativum) Cover Crop Mixes
- Weed Technology (2000) 14: 545-549
- Winter Annual Weed Suppression in Rye–Vetch Cover Crop Mixtures
- Weed Technology (2012) 26: 818-825