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Composting and Compost Use (APSC 2003)

Offered by Dalhousie University, Faculty of Agriculture

Composting and the utilization of organic matter produced on the farm provide the basis for soil fertility in organic systems. However, potential benefits derived from compost use are often limited by the supply and quality of on-farm produced composts. The objective of this web-based course is to teach composting primarily by providing students with the opportunity to make their own compost.

Over a 13-week period and through five stand-alone modules, students will learn:

Module 1: Composting of Organic Materials

Module 2: Managing the Composting Process

Module 3: On-Farm Composting

Module 4: Compost Quality

Module 5: Compost Utilization and Marketing

Students who complete the "Composting and Compost Use" course acquire a good understanding of compost and composting, from combining feedstock materials, through process monitoring and evaluation, to compost use and marketing. Experience to date has shown that students who have successfully mastered both the theoretical and practical components of this course are well prepared to try their hand at composting at any scale.

Please visit the Dalhousie University Faculty of Agriculture's Extended Learning page for more information and to register.
