Join the Dalhousie University Faculty of Agriculture for our next Aggies in the Community dinner - a chef-curated event featuring the humble but delicious and incredibly versatile potato over six courses.
Dalhousie is ready welcome next year's class of international students to Nova Scotia, including stepping up efforts to help applicants cut through the clutter of the permit process and focus on the experience ahead.
February 6 will mark Dal’s 5th annual Employee Wellness Day, a day of online webinars and in-person movement sessions to talk about and experience a range of wellness topics, drawing on the expertise of our own people.
Summer job opportunities now available. Please spread the word to students.
Reshaping our Future: Faculty and staff are invited to a strategic planning session tomorrow,Thursday, January 30th in the Program Room of the MacRae Library beginning at 10:00 a.m.
The Faculty of Agriculture E-Bulletin is a service of Communications and Marketing. To include a news or an event submission please email by end of day Monday. Stay up-to-date and subscribe to Today@Dal now.