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Warmer ‑ Wetter ‑ Wilder

Posted by stephanie Rogers on September 28, 2022 in News

Dalhousie University and the Green Infrastructure Performance Lab will be hosting Atlantic Canada’s First Green Infrastructure Conference on October 28 from 1 - 5pm AST.

Warmer - Wetter - Wilder

Climate Change Resilience  through Ecological Solutions

Dr Sabine Dietz, Executive Director of CLIMAtlantic, Inc will be Keynote Speaker and set the stage for a series of interesting and diverse perspectives on this conference’s themes delivered by our speakers. A full list of the conference speakers and its themes and learning objectives are found HERE on the official Conference Website.

This is a free, virtual conference for all practitioners, students, governments, designers and others interested in this important topic. No need to register, just access from 12:30 - 5 pm Atlantic Time (AST) on Friday October 28.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 850 5458 7266
Passcode: 709374

Thank you to our Conference Sponsors ABTLandscape Forms and Deep Root.

