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The People in Our Neighborhood ‑ Jean Lynds

Posted by stephanie rogers on September 14, 2020 in News
Jean Lynds, Class of 1990
Jean Lynds, Class of 1990

The People in Our Neighborhood
To help celebrate Welcome Week 2020, The Faculty of Agriculture is profiling some of the people you will meet across the campus community in your travels on your new path at the Faculty of Agriculture. 

Where are you from?

North River, NS

What do you do at Dal?

Farm Operations Manager

What is your favorite part about working at the AC?

The people…there is genuine sense of community and support on our campus.

What is one piece of advice you would give students?

The transition to University life can be both exciting and overwhelming. Ask for help when you need it. We want you to have success and are we are here to help you achieve that.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I enjoy sports and am a fierce Blue Jay fan!