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Better Together Cookbook

Posted by stephanie rogers on June 12, 2020 in International News, News

What’s your “go-to” family favourite recipe? Are you often asked to make a certain item for family gatherings or potlucks? What’s your best, but basic, favourite recipe?

With so many of us cooking and baking more than usual, the Faculty of Agriculture is developing a “Better Together family cookbook” featuring basic, but delicious ingredients. This keepsake will be made available to all alumni, students, staff and faculty later in the summer. There will be opportunities to win a limited supply of print copies.

We are looking for recipe submissions to be considered by the editorial board for consideration. Please submit your detailed recipe with an explanation (why you like it, if it’s for a special occasion, etc) to by June 24. If your recipe is selected for inclusion, you will receive a printed copy of the cookbook.
