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Toward 2018: Let's own the celebration! We're looking for volunteers!

Posted by Stephanie Rogers on January 22, 2016 in News

Let’s own the celebration! We’re looking for volunteers!

In 2018, we’re celebrating the 200th anniversary of Dalhousie’s founding. University wide planning is well underway, with steering, planning and faculty champion committees and other groups working toward a vibrant 2018. As we’re heading toward a milestone anniversary at Dalhousie, everyone at our Faculty – students, staff, alumni and faculty - should be part of the celebration.

Dal’s Faculty of Agriculture have already begun exploring ideas about how we’re going to take this opportunity to honor the past and celebrate a promising future. This is a great opportunity to share with our many communities, our country, and our international partners the contributions made by our students, alumni, faculty and staff. It’s a chance to tell our stories, open our doors and build excitement for all that’s ahead as the Faculty of Agriculture moves with Dalhousie into our third century.

You can help shape our 200th by sharing your vision for activities and legacy-building initiatives hosted by our Faculty in the anniversary year.

We need students, faculty, staff and alumni to join our working group to help the celebration for the Faculty of Agriculture. If you’d like to learn more about this group and would like to get involved, please contact either of the following people:,

Ji Lu (, Faculty Champion in “200th Anniversary Faculty Champions Committee”

Or, Mary-Eleanor Power (, Faculty of Agriculture representative in “200th Anniversary Planning Committee”