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Opportunities for Faculty and Staff to get involved in community education activities on campus

Posted by Stephanie Rogers on January 14, 2016 in News

4-H National Science Fair - March 3rd - 6th approximately 35 4-H students from across Canada aged 12-14. We are looking for about two hours of activities/labs/tours for the afternoon of Friday, March 4th.

4-H Intermediate Conference – Saturday March 19th Intermediate 4-H students ages 12-15 from across the Atlantic region. We are looking for three stations to host 20 minute sessions.

Chignecto West Regional Science Fair - March 29 & 30. On Tuesday March 29th project judging will take place. On Wednesday March 30th there will be an open house. We are looking for activities or labs for the participants on March 30th. Students will be divided into small groups according to their age division: elementary (Grades 4- 6), Junior (Grades 7-8), Intermediate (Grades 9-10) and Senior (Grades 11-12) to attend sessions throughout the day (10:00 am – 2:00 pm).

If you have suggestions for activities or are willing to provide a session please contact Katherine Rutherford,