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Opportunities for International involvement for Faculty of Agriculture Staff

Posted by Stephanie Rogers on June 3, 2015 in News

Agricultural Transformation Through Stronger Vocational Education (ATTSVE) Project 2014-2019

Project summary

The main aim of the project is to increase the supply of male and female graduates from four agricultural technical and vocational education and training (ATVET) institutions who have the necessary skills and knowledge required by the labour market to develop the commercial agriculture sector in Ethiopia through the following three areas.

1. Institution transformation: Increasing the  capacity of four ATVET colleges to implement innovative management strategies and provide high quality training that responds to labour market needs of private and public sector stakeholders active in commercial agriculture;

2. Instructor training and programming support : Increasing the capacity of ATVET instructors at selected colleges to provide training and services (including curriculum) that is gender sensitive and meets the needs of commercial agriculture;

3. Networking and linkeages: Developing more effective partnerships between targeted ATVET colleges and public and private stakeholders in the sectors of agriculture and education


The Faculty of Agriculture International office is keen to benefit from the skills and expertise of the Dalhousie Agricultural Office staff and would like to encourage all staff to be involved in the project through the opportunities listed below.

·         Participate on Dalhousie Faculty of Agriculture Academic Advisory Committee for the project. The committee will meet approximately four times per year and will

i) Guide and provide technical and inter-disciplinary expertise to support the curricular revision and training components of ATTSVE,

ii) Guide and provide technical and inter-disciplinary expertise on Dalhousie based project research opportunities and special topics course,

iii) Ensure ATTSVE remains responsive to emerging and innovative approaches in outcomes-based education and curricular design,

·         Support and encourage students you know to apply for summer internship opportunities on the project in 2016, 2017 and 2018. Canadian students will spend up to 3 months in pairs, at one of the ATVETs. Placements could include supporting Dalhousie research projects, providing workshops, assistance and resource development in the area of ICT skills development, VC development, language support, and educational material preparation (TTLM).

·         Deliver a 1-2 week training or assessment in Ethiopia on one for the following topics

o   Assessment of ATVET library resources (2015)

o   Institutional strengthening topics which could include student services, strategic planning, leadership, registry, ICT, library services (2016. 2017, 2018, 2019)

o   Curriculum development (if appropriate) (2016)

o   Development of teaching materials (if appropriate) (2016, 2018)

For more information or to get involved please contact ATTSVE Project Director Suzanne Johnson 893 6726 or ATTSVE Project Coordinator Hannah Pugh or 896 4460