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CLT CONFERENCE Book your transportation now!

Posted by Stephanie Rogers on April 14, 2015 in News

Registration is now open for the 19th Annual Dalhousie Conference on University Teaching and Learning.  The 2015 DCUTL will take place on April 29 and 30 in the Rowe Management Building at the Dalhousie University Campus in beautiful Halifax, Nova Scotia.

This year’s conference theme, “The Significance of Community Engagement for Student Learning”, will explore the broad spectrum of work-integrated learning and internship/practicum/co-op education through to community service learning, on the local and global scope.

The keynote address will be given on April 29th by Dr. Carl Amrhein, Distinguished Research Chair, Conference Board of Canada.  Dr. Amrhein will be speaking on “The Role of Communities and Community Engaged Learning in supporting Canada’s ‘Skills' Agenda in Post-Secondary Education”.

A plenary panel will be hosted on April 30th with speakers Robert Summerby-Murray, Dean, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Dalhousie University; Matthew Hebb, Government Relations, Dalhousie University; Esther E. Enns, Senior Advisor, Teaching and Learning, Saint Mary’s University; and Fiona Black , Provost & VP Academic, Dalhousie University.  They will speak on the topic of Institutional Approaches to Community Engaged Learning.

Dalhousie Conference Registration Fees

2-Day: $150

1-Day: $100

Student: $60

For more information on other sessions and to register, please visit

Dean Gray has indicated that the Faculty would be happy to supply transport to and from Halifax through the Dean’s Car & Faculty bus which should cover 25 attendees. People can choose to use their own vehicle then they would be able to claim the mileage against their annual Personal Development Allocation (PDA). The registration fees would be a valid cost against the PDA. Faculty are encouraged to sign up for and to participate in CLT’s Conference on Community Engagement for Student Learning. Please register yourself online at:

Please contact Kathleen Kevany to book a spot with campus transportation.