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Making the World a Better Place

Posted by Stephanie Rogers on April 7, 2015 in News, Research

Making the World a Better Place
by Emma Geldart

What if we could make the world a better place through the food we eat? What if our food counteracted certain diseases like cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes? Faculty of Agriculture food chemist Chibuike Udenigwe is looking to do just that.

Chibuike’s research looks at the components of food that could be used to promote and have a positive impact on human health. More specifically, he looks at short chains of proteins in food, called peptides, and how those peptides affect certain areas of human health.

“In a nutshell, it’s the discovery of peptides from food,” Chibuike explains. “These peptides are derived from food proteins and we are trying figure out how they function in and affect the human body.”

By looking at how these peptides function, Chibuike explains that incorporating them into our food could have positive health benefits.

“Some of these peptides have been known to have an effect on cardiovascular disease,” Chibuike explains. “Others have been found to help the treatment or management of Type 2 Diabetes as well as some cardiovascular disease risk factors. We take the molecules and we put them into food using that as a delivery agent so people can actually get the health benefits.”

Chibuike’s research lab uses mostly dairy products, like yogurt and potatoes to extract the proteins. Not only is he looking to increase health benefits through food, Chibuike is adding value to low value agriculture products. His research looks at taking peptides from agricultural byproducts and putting them into the human food system to increase the health benefits.

“For example after dairy processing there are a lot of dairy byproducts,” Chibuike explains. “When the calf is weaned, the farm has a byproduct called colostrum. Colostrum is the first meal for the baby, but they don’t use up everything. Colostrum has a lot of proteins. We can tap these proteins and bring them back into the human food system.”

Chibuike also explains that another good example is whey. After cheese making, the byproduct produced is whey which is filled with valuable proteins. Chibuike and his research team are looking to use the proteins from these agricultural byproducts as a source of peptides and putting them back into the food system. For farmers, this research could add value to their low-value products.

“We are increasing the value of these byproducts and adding more money to the pockets of farmers who produce them,” he explains. “That’s one of the overall goals.”

Chibuike doesn’t conduct his research alone. He has a number of students who help him. At the moment, he has two Masters students and a number of undergraduate students in his lab. He also has two or three undergraduate research students and a research assistant. Not only does he have a passion for his research, he has a passion for helping his students succeed.

“To see my students succeed is one of the things that actually drives me every day,” Chibuike says. “I love to teach. My research program is a good way to deliver excellent curriculum to the students. I make them problem solvers.”

Not only does Chibuike teach his students to succeed in science careers, he teaches them valuable skills that they will be able to take to any career.

“I help them develop strong communication skills,” Chibuike explains. “They learn how to communicate in written and verbal forms. Those are skills that are transferrable, even if they choose not to pursue science careers, they can take the communication skills everywhere.”

As for Chibuike, he aims to make the world a better place.

“One of my goals in life is to make the world a better place,” he says. “Well, everybody wants to make the world a better place. If you look at the current situation here, some parts of the world are starving but other parts have excess, they produce lots of things and they waste a lot of things. I hope that we can start to change that.”