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Dean David Gray presents to Faculty and students of FAFU

Posted by Stephanie Rogers on November 12, 2014 in News

On the afternoon of November 11th Dr. David Gray, was invited to give a presentation on “Universities of the future: The Challenges we face” to faculty and students of FAFU at Wuyi report hall.

Dr. David Gray pointed out that the Higher Education sector was undergoing a fundamental transformation in terms of its role in society, mode of operation and economic structure and value. Five mega-trends will transform the higher education sector globally: Democratization of knowledge and access, Contestability of markets, Digital technologies, Global mobility and Integration with industry.

By comparing different operation models, Dr. David Gray summarized that quality and academic excellence, academic talent and workforce structure, commercial skills, change management and speed to market were needed to meet future challenges.

This presentation was hosted by Dr. Zhuang Peifen, Vice Dean of Economic College, faculty with overseas education background and foreign student representatives listened the presentation.

Writer: Lin Wu