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ACORN Third Beginner Farmer Symposium and Mixer

Posted by Stephanie Rogers on July 4, 2014 in News


The Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network (ACORN) is excited to announce that registration is now open for our 3rd Beginner Farmer Symposium & Mixer, taking place Monday, August 18th, 2014, at Mount Allison University, in Sackville, New Brunswick–a fundraiser event supporting the future and success of local organic food systems! 

Building on the great success of our previous Symposiums, drawing hundreds of farmers from throughout Eastern Canada, we are thrilled to once again showcase another busy day of workshops, panel discussions and prime networking opportunities for new, aspiring and experienced growers across the region. 

This year, among our many fantastic speakers, I am pleased to share that Jean-Martin Fortier of La Jardins de la Grelinette/The Market Gardener will be joining us from St. Armand, Quebec to lead several important workshops that should not be missed! 

For full details and registration information, please visit  

Please join our Facebook event here, and please share the info with your networks & friends! 

Interested in participating the Beginner Farmer Trade Show? There are still spots remaining! 

Your involvement will showcase your work as a primary resource-base for new entrants, and ACORN will work to further promote your efforts! 

Participation in the Symposium Trade Show is $150 for a table approximately 2.5/6 ft (including one pass to the Symposium). 

Please note that discounts are available for those interested in also participating in the 2014 ACORN Conference  & Trade Show (November 12-14th). See here for more details. 

All proceeds from the 2014 Beginner Farmer Symposium will directly support the future of ACORN's Grow A Farmer Apprenticeship and Mentorship programs. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me or call the ACORN office at 1-866-322-2676