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Judging Team Results

Posted by stephanie rogers on March 17, 2014 in News

The Dal AC judging team had a very successful competition day March 7th at the University of Guelph (Canadian Intercollegiate Judging Competition).

Dal Team A:  Jakob Vogel, Andrew Green, Melanie Wood, Heather Creamer placed 2nd Team for judging sheep class

 Placed 3rd Team for baking class

Dal Team B:  Katelyn O’Connell, Erica Jackson, Kayla Graham, Emily Sutherland placed 1st Team for Haylage class

Erica Jackson: Top Individual judge in Crops & Home Crafts

Heather Creamer:      Placed 3rd as Individual judge in Dairy

                               Placed 3rd as Individual judge in Beef

                               Placed 3rd as Individual judge in Sheep

                               Placed 2nd as Individual judge in Corn

Jakob Vogel:              Placed 3rd as Individual judge in Alpaca

Melanie Wood:           Placed 2nd  as Individual judge in Baking Quiz

Arin Douglas:              Placed 1st  as Individual judge in Baking Quiz

What departments are the students from?

Jakob Vogel - Animal Science and Plant Science 4th year

Heather Creamer - Animal Science 4th year

Andrew Green - Animal Science 1st year

Melanie Wood - Animal Science 1st year

Arin Douglas - International Food Business (IFB) 1st year

Katelyn O'Connell - Diploma in Business Management 2nd year

Kayla Graham - Animal Science 3rd year

Emily Sutherland - Open Science 1st year

Erica Jackson - Animal Science 1st year