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Faculty of Agriculture International Office helps faculty make better international research‑for‑development proposals

Posted by stephanie rogers on January 10, 2014 in News

The International Office at the Faculty of Agriculture offers formative input on the development themes in agriculturally related international research-for-development such as the Research Exchange Projects and Partnerships for Knowledge projects funded by or through IDRC, CAREG, LACREG, and other funders.

Collectively, the staff at our International Office, under the leadership of Nancy Pitts, Assistant Dean International and Nancy Thornton, Manager, have over 40 years of experience of developing successful project submissions and delivering team-based results. I strongly encourage faculty members to leverage their expertise. Naturally, the faculty researcher and the team of science collaborators are the experts in the design, planning, and execution of the scientific experimental design. However, the team at FoA International is able to offer valuable comments on some of the nuances and present terms/approaches favored by international funders. I expect researchers will find their suggestions in the areas of international jargon as well as the cross-cutting development themes such as gender and environment to be helpful in strengthening the international aspect of research-for-development proposals.

While the International Office is not involved in directly writing or managing this type of faculty-member led research initiative, they do have a wealth of experience and expertise and are willing, as their time allows, to advise on such things as international travel concerns, wiring monies and working cross-culturally just to mention a few areas.

NOTE: as part of Dalhousie University, all submissions must be vetted and institutionally prioritized by the International Research and Development (IRD) team in Halifax (Contact: Jennifer Morawiecki; Please note that IRD’s internal deadline is normally at least 5 working days before the external deadline.

When final submissions are made to IRD, please copy Nancy Pitts on the submissions. I have asked Nancy, in her role as Assistant Dean, International to keep a record of the international submissions (and successes) within our Faculty.

If you have questions, please contact me or Nancy Pitts.

Claude Caldwell             
Associate Dean Academic