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Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture put agriculture top of mind!

Posted by stephanie rogers on September 19, 2013 in News

We are calling on political parties to put agriculture top of mind!

Come and hear from political parties on where agriculture fits in their platform, ask questions and join the debate: 

Wednesday, September 25th,2013 at 10 a.m.

Dartmouth Holiday Inn

During this provincial election, the Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture is encouraging you to:

➾ To double the provincial investment of agriculture through programs that directly impact farmers.
➾ To reinstate the 15% provincial investment tax credit on new machinery, equipment, buildings and land improvement.
➾ To provide adequate incentives and mentoring for new entrants.
➾ To move forward with recommendations from the report, 'Protecting and Preserving Agricultural Land.'

Small requests for an industry that generates $2.3 billion in economic spin-off annually

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