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Help to Welcome this year's new students to campus in September!

Posted by Stephanie Rogers on March 18, 2013 in News

The first week sets the tone for the whole year.

Orientation serves to connect new students as well as provide them a welcoming and comfortable transition to the next phase of their lives. For some new students Orientation marks a start to university studies, for other transfer and mature students our Orientation introduces them to our campus and the Truro area. There are both educational and social goals for the Orientation programming.

We know an effective Orientation program contributes significantly to a successful first year experience for the new students.

Be part of the planning for Orientation 2013. Whether you’d like to be on the committee and participate in regular meetings or would just like to contribute to the initial brainstorming meeting, or would  be willing to take on a particular event or help during Orientation Week – We are looking for your input to help prepare our new students for the first day of classes on Sept 5th and the upcoming new school year.

Please contact Brian Crouse with your interest.  A first meeting will be called shortly.