» Go to news mainUpcoming Professional Development Opportunities
To better serve your learning needs and in response to the results of the recent employee development survey, we have scheduled some professional development opportunities directly on the Agricultural Campus that may be of interest to you. We invite you to register for one of two upcoming workshops on “Project Management”. Click on the links below for more information or to register, or go directly to the learning calendar ( to view other opportunities.
Introduction to Project Management
Feb. 27 & 28 (2 days)
More and more work involves managing projects. This course will teach you how to define the project, stay focused on the project’s objectives, chunk the project into tasks, and keep it all within planned timelines. By taking into account both the human and technical sides of project management; you will learn the tools that allow for flexibility without resorting to a “seat of the pants” management style. Topics will include creating a project charter, scheduling tasks through a work breakdown structure and Gantt chart, developing a communications plan and analyzing team development and challenges.
Managing Small-scale Projects: Tips for One-person Projects
Mar. 7 (0.5 day)
Many people are involved with small projects that basically involve "one person" doing all the work. This means that the typical Project Management course that focuses on a team approach to planning and implementing projects does not meet the needs of the one person implementer. This course will provide tips and techniques for organizing all your tasks. It will appeal to those who spend a lot of their time working on individual projects rather than large defined projects with a team of people.
If you have any questions about these workshops, please contact us at or call 893-5350.
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