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Student submission to the Minister of the Envrionment

Posted by Stephanie Rogers on January 3, 2013 in News

Students from the Faculty of Agriculture’s Urban Tree Management course, under the direction of Professor Carol Goodwin, prepared a written and verbal submission to the Minister of Environment regarding the environmental goals and sustainable prosperity act in early February, 2012. 

The submission, entitled ‘The Round Table on Environment and Sustainable Prosperity Act Review’ was a class effort.   Their submission made a compelling case for appreciating the role of the urban forest as a ‘green infrastructure’ tool for municipalities and communities that in a number of ways could contribute to economic and environmental aspects of sustainable prosperity. 

They pointed to both economic and environmental attributes including preservation of natural capital, projecting the ‘look of prosperity’ for both tourism and business, job opportunities, provision of environmental services or remedies and improved quality of life, water and air.

Tess Adam presented the verbal submission and Annie Jivalian submitted the written report that the class had developed. All students participated in subsequent Round Table discussions. Sean Randall presented the synopsis from his group.

Their submission was cited in the REPORT TO THE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT REGARDING THE ENVIRONMENTAL GOALS AND SUSTAINABLE PROSPERITY ACT (EGSPA), page 33 , under  Recommendation 20:  EGSPA should consider the usefulness and applicability of Regulations and other Instruments under the Act.

 Congratulations to all!