National Search Dean Faculty of Agriculture and Principal, Dalhousie Agricultural Campus

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National Search Dean Faculty of Agriculture and Principal, Dalhousie Agricultural Campus

Posted by Stephanie Rogers on October 2, 2012 in Faculty of Agriculture News

To:       Students, Faculty and Staff at the Dalhousie Agricultural Campus

From:  Tom Traves, President

Date:   Tuesday, October 2, 2012

National Search: Dean, Faculty of Agriculture and Principal, Dalhousie Agricultural Campus

I am pleased to announce the formal launch of a national search for the Dean, Faculty of Agriculture and Principal, Dalhousie Agricultural Campus. The Search Committee held its initial planning meeting yesterday. The Search Committee is comprised of the following individuals:

Tom Traves, Search Committee Chair

David Burton, Faculty representative, Faculty of Agriculture

Claude Caldwell, Faculty representative, Faculty of Agriculture

Chris Cutler, Faculty representative, Faculty of Agriculture

Diane Dunlop, Faculty representative, Faculty of Agriculture

Jean Lynds, Staff representative, Faculty of Agriculture

Paul Manning, Student representative, Faculty of Agriculture

Chris Moore, Dean of Science

Ashley Mullins, Graduate student representative, Faculty of Agriculture

Carolyn Watters, Vice President Academic and Provost

Susan Spence Wach, Search Committee Resource

The Executive Search Firm of Laverne Smith and Associates Inc. will facilitate this search.

The Search Committee is working towards the goal of an appointment for July, 2013.  We hope to identify a short list of candidates by early 2013. An important part of the interview process will involve an opportunity for you to hear from and meet with finalist candidates and provide your feedback on their merits.

In the next few days we will distribute a questionnaire to faculty, staff and students of the Faculty of Agriculture and the Dalhousie Agricultural Community, as well as interested community members, to seek your views about issues of concern on campus and qualities we should look for in the successful candidate. This questionnaire will inform the development of our detailed position profile.  It will also provide an opportunity to nominate prospects for our position. You will receive this questionnaire by email from our Search Consultant, Laverne Smith, to whom you can reply in confidence. She will report to the Search Committee only the aggregate views of the DAC community and will keep individual names of respondents to herself.

I welcome and encourage your input.