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Martynenko A.I. (2008). Computer Vision System for Ginseng Drying: Remote Sensing, Control and Optimization of Quality in Food Thermal Processing. ADM Verlag, 200 p.

Martynenko A.I. (1999). Modeling of Biological Systems and Processes. 256p. (course notes)

Possudin Yu.IMartynenko A.I. (1999). Applied Physics and Biophysics. Kyiv: National Agricultural University of Ukraine. 129p.

Martynenko A.I., Muzichenko V.A. (1995). Experimental Design of Biotechnical Systems: Kiev: Institute of Theoretical Physics. 49p.

Martynenko I.I., Martynenko A.I., Girnyk N.L. (1994). Heat and Mass Transfer in Agricultural Technologies. Moscow: Kolos. 194p.


Martynenko A., Chen Y. (2016). Degradation kinetics of total anthocyanins and formation of polymeric color in blueberry hydrothermodynamic (HTD) processing. Journal of Food Engineering 171(1), 44-51.

Wang D., Martynenko A. (2015). Estimation of total, open- and close-pore porosity of apple slices during drying. Drying Technology. In Press

Martynenko A., Zheng W. (2015). Electrohydrodynamic drying of apple slices: Energy and quality aspects. Journal of Food Engineering 168(1), 216-222.

Qui J., Khalloufi S., Martynenko A, Van Dalen J., Schutiser M., Almeida-Rivera C. (2015). Porosity, bulk density and volume reduction during drying: literature review of measurement methods and coefficient determinations. Drying Technology, 33(14), 1681-1699.

Kudra T, Martynenko A. (2015). Energy aspects in electrohydrodynamic drying. Drying Technology 33(13), 1534-1540.

Martynenko A, Kudra T. (2015). Non-isothermal drying of medicinal plants. Drying Technology33(13), 1550-1539.

Martynenko A, Astatkie T, Satanina V. (2015). Novel hydrothermodynamic food processing technology. Journal of Food Engineering 152(1), 8-16.

Martynenko A. (2014). True, particle and bulk density of shrinkable biomaterials: evaluation from drying experiments. Drying Technology: An International Journal, 32(11), 1319-1325.

Satanina V., Kalt W., Astatkie T., Havard P., & Martynenko A. (2014) Comparison of anthocyanin concentration in blueberries processed using hydrothermodynamic technology and conventional processing technologies. Journal of Food Process Engineering, doi: 10.1111/fpe.12117.   

Martynenko A., Janaszek M.A. (2014). Texture changes during drying of apple slices. Drying Technology: An International Journal, 32 (5), 567-577.

Chen Y, Martynenko A. (2013). Computer vision for real-time measurements of shrinkage and color changes in blueberry convective drying. Drying Technology, 31(10): 1114-1123.

Papadopoulos A.P., Yaganza E.S., Hao X, Martynenko A., Ramados M., Saha U.K., Ehret D.I. Khosla S. (2012). Effect of oxygen super-saturated nutrient solutions on greenhouse tomato.Acta Horticulturae 952: 713-720.

MacDonald, M.T., Lada, R.R., Martynenko, A.I., Dorais, M., Peppin, S., Y.Desjardines. (2012). Is There a Relationship between Ethylene Evolution, Ethylene Sensitivity, and Needle Abscission in Root-detached Balsam Fir? Acta Horticulturae 932: 405-412.

Martynenko A.I.  (2011). Porosity evaluation from real-time imaging and mass measurements.Food and Bioprocess Technology, 4(3): 417-428.

MacDonald, M.T., Lada, R.R., Martynenko, A.I., Dorais, M., Peppin, S. (2011). Ethylene exposure duration affects postharvest needle abscission in balsam fir (Abies balsamea L.). HortScience46(2): 260-264.

MacDonald M.T., Lada R.R., Martynenko A.I., Dorais M., Pepin S., Desjardins Y. (2010). Ethylene triggers needle abscission of root-detached balsam fir. Trees, 24(5): 879-886.

Davidson V.J., Martynenko A.I, Parhar N.K., Sidahmed M. and R.B. Brown. (2009). Forced-air drying of ginseng root: pilot-scale control system for three-stage process. Drying Technology,27: 451-458.

Martynenko A.I. (2008). The system of correlations between moisture, shrinkage, density and porosity. Drying Technology, 26(12): 1496-1499.

Martynenko A.I., Yang S.X., Pan L. (2007). Intelligent computation of moisture content in shrinkable biomaterials Drying Technology, 25(10): 1667-1676.

Martynenko A.I., Yang S.X. (2007). Intelligent control system for thermal processing of biomaterials. IEEE Conference on Networking, Sensing & Control, London, UK, 2007: 93-98.

Martynenko A.I. (2006). Computer-vision system for control of drying processes. Drying Technology, 24(7): 879-888.

Martynenko A.I., Brown R.B., Davidson V.J. (2006). Physical and physiological factors of ginseng root drying. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 22(4): 571-576.

Martynenko A.I., Yang S.X. (2006). Biologically inspired neural computation of ginseng drying rate. Biosystems Engineering, 95(6): 385-396.

Martynenko A.I. (2006). Evaluation of mass-transfer resistances from drying experiments.Drying Technology, 24(12): 1569-1572.


Wang D, Martynenko A. (2015). Separate evaluation of open- and closed-pores porosity. 12thInternational Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF12), Quebec, Canada, June 14-18, 2015

Martynenko A, Zheng W. (2015). Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) drying technology. 12thInternational Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF12), Quebec, Canada, June 14-18, 2015

Martynenko A., Kudra T. (2014). Quality Drying of Medicinal Plants. Proceedings of 19thInternational Drying Symposium IDS 2014, Lyon, France, August 24-27, 2014.

Kudra T., Martynenko A. (2014). Energy Aspects of Electrohydrodynamic Drying. Proceedings of 19th International Drying Symposium IDS 2014, Lyon, France, August 24-27, 2014.

Martynenko A., Wang D. (2014). Real-Time Porosity Evaluation from Drying Experiments.ASABE Annual International Meeting, Montreal, Canada, July 13-16, 2014.

Martynenko A., Astatkie T. (2014). Hydrothermodynamic Technology for Food Processing.ASABE Annual International Meeting, Montreal, Canada, July 13-16, 2014.

Martynenko A., Kudra T. (2014). Quality Optimization in Convective Drying of Medicinal Plants.ASABE Annual International Meeting, Montreal, Canada, July 13-16, 2014.

Martynenko A., Chen Y. (2013). Real-Time Quality Evaluation in Fruit Drying, using Computer Vision. Proceedings of 2013 CIGR International Symposium on Advanced Food and Quality, China, November 3-7, 2013, Paper #141.

Martynenko A., Satanina V., Astatkie T., Havard P., Kalt W. (2013).  Hydrothermodynamic Technology for Fruit Processing: Effects on Food Quality. Proceedings of 2013 CIGR International Symposium on Advanced Food and Quality, China, November 3-7, 2013, Paper #96.

Martynenko A., Chen Y. (2013). Color as a primary indicator of fruit quality in convective drying. Proceedings of International Conference EuroDrying 2013, France, 2-4 October, 2013, 119-120.

Martynenko A., Janaszek M. (2013). Measurement of texture parameters as a function of moisture content in apple convective drying. Proceedings of International Conference EuroDrying 2013, France 2-4 October, 2013, 121-122.

Martynenko A. (2013). True density of shrinkable biomaterials: Evaluation from drying experiments. Proceedings of XXIII Polish Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, Kolobrzeg, Poland, September 2-6, 2013: 316 (reviewed conference abstract accepted in March 2013).

Martynenko A., Janaszek M. (2013). Texture changes during drying of apple slices. Proceedings of XXIII Polish Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, Kolobrzeg, Poland, September 2-6, 2013: 317 (reviewed conference abstract  accepted in March 2013).

Martynenko A. (2012). Encapsulation of Anthocyanin-Rich Blueberry Powders. Agri-Food and Biotechnological International Symposium. Oaxaca, Mexico, 19-21 September 2012 (keynote speaker).

Martynenko A., Satanina V., Dickson P. (2012). Real-time imaging of blueberry quality in the process of drying.  18th International Drying Symposium IDS 2012, Xyamen, China, November 11-15, 2012 (reviewed conference abstract accepted in July 2012).

Martynenko A. (2012). Linear, radial and volumetric shrinkage of fruit cylinders in convective drying. 18th International Drying Symposium IDS 2012, Xyamen, China, November 11-15, 2012 (reviewed conference abstract accepted in July 2012).

Martynenko A., Sampson D. (2009). Three-dimensional imaging for density and porosity evaluation. Proceeding of 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, August 23-27, 2009 (available on

Martynenko A. (2009). Food quality optimization in thermal processing. Proceeding of 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, August 23-27, 2009 (available (keynote speaker).

Sampson D., Martynenko A. (2009). Three-dimensional (3-D) imaging for real-time volume evaluation, NABEC 2009, Halifax, July 25-29, 2009.

MacDonald M.T., Lada R.R., Martynenko A.I., Dorais M., Pepin S., Desjardins Y. (2009). Ethylene modulates needle abscission in root-detached balsam fir. Horticultural Science, 44: 1142.

Martynenko A., Brown R.B, Davidson V.J. (2004). Physical and physiological effects in ginseng root drying. ASAE/CSAE 2004 Annual International Meeting, Report 043026, 2004.

