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Dr. Greg Cameron

Associate Professor of Political Science and Rural Studies

Greg Cameron

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Phone: (902) 893.6228
Mailing Address: 
Department of Business & Social Sciences
Agricultural Campus
PO Box 550
Truro, NS, B2N 5E3


Greg Cameron received his doctorate from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London in 2002.

Prior to joining the Faculty of Agriculture in 2006, he taught political science at the University of Asmara, Eritrea in northeast Africa for over 4 years, from 2002-2006.

During the late 1980s and a good part of the 1990s, he worked as a CUSO cooperant in Tanzania, first with the Tanzanian co-operative movement on the islands of Zanzibar, and then with pastoralist NGOs in Arusha, northern Tanzania. His fieldwork and research in Eastern Africa have focused on co-operatives and other popular organizations, rural policy, food security, the developmental state, democratization transitions, and global trends in trade and governance practices.

Currently he is working on the relationship of co-operatives to food systems in Eastern Canada, federal and provincial food policy in Canada, as well as issues around broader re-localization transitions in OECD countries.


Semester 2

  • AGRI4000: Contemporary Issues in Agriculture
  • IAGR3002: International Rural Development (DE)
  • POLS2000: Global Politics of Agriculture and Conservation

Research Interests

  • Co-operatives
  • Food sovereignty
  • Convergence Theory
  • Democratization
  • East Africa/the Swahili Coast


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

  • Cameron, G., “The Lives & Times of Asmara’s Cinema Houses in Post-War Eritrea.” [under review]
  • Cameron, G., Roach, J., Dukeshire, S., & Keys, D. (2023). "Raising awareness and advocating change: The work of Nova Scotia food security NGOs." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 12(4), 1–20.
  • Cameron, G. "Village Projects Observed in Eritrea: Post-Conflict Pathways Towards Democratic Rural Development." Modern Africa Politics, History and Society. 2022 | Volume 10, Issue 1, pages 60-88, Y.A., y 
  • Cameron, G. "Valorización agroalimentaria en cooperativas lecheras de Nova Scotia (Canadá) y Cienfuegos (Cuba)." RIVAR. Vol. 9, nº 26, 107-123, mayo 2022 art07.pdf (
  • Cameron, G., & Connell, D. (2021). "Food sovereignty and farmland protection in the Municipal County of Antigonish, Nova Scotia." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 10(4), 173–193.
  • Cameron, G., Rosado, F.R.P. & Mederos, D.D.D. “Agricultural co-operatives in Canada and Cuba: trends, prospects and ways forward.” Environment, Development and Sustainability 22, 643–660 (2020).
  • Cameron, G., and L.Hanavan. "Re-imagining Rural Co-operation in Atlantic Canada." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development." Volume 4, Issue3/Special Issue Spring 2014: 29-45.
  • Hanavan, L. and Cameron, G. “Policy’s Role in Socio-agricultural Transition: A Community Study in Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia.”  Journal of Rural and Community Development,  7 (3), (2012): 184-203.
  • Hanavan, L., Kennedy, C. and Cameron, G. "And Now for the Main Discourse: A Critique of the Popular Food and Farm Literature."  Humbolt Journal of Social Relations, Volume 33:1/2 (2010): 166-188.
  • Cameron, G. “Thinking Strategically About a (Re)Localization Transition in the West.” New Community Quarterly, Volume 7, no. 3 (Spring 2009): 8-11.
  • Stiles, D. and Cameron, G. “Changing paradigms?: Rural Communities, agriculture, and corporate and civic models of development in Atlantic Canada.” Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, Volume 3, Issue 4 (2009): 341-354.
  • Cameron, G. “Authoritarian Federalism in the Dock: A Historical Comparison between the Ethiopia-Eritrea Federation and the Tanganyika-Zanzibar Union.” Journal of Eritrean Studies, Volume III, Number 1 (May 2004): 1-25.

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