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  • Yiridoe, E.K., F. Amon-Armah, R. Jamieson, D. Hebb. 2017. Eco-efficient choice of cropping system for reducing nitrate-N leaching in an agricultural watershed. Journal of Bioeconomics. 19(2): 201-221.
  • Mudasser, M., E.K. Yiridoe, and K. Corscadden. 2015. Cost-benefit Analysis of Grid-Connected Wind-Biogas Hybrid Energy Production, by Turbine Capacity and Site Renewable Energy. Renewable Energy. 80: 573-582.
  • Yiridoe, E.K., Q. Chen, R. Fry, D. Lynch, and G. Price. 2015. Cost Analysis and Lifecycle Environmental Impacts of three Value-Added Novel Bioproducts: Processing and ProductionNatural Resources Research. 24(1):  65-84.
  • Amon-Armah, F., E.K. Yiridoe, R. Jamieson, D. Hebb. 2015. Comparison of Crop Yield and Pollution Production Response to Nitrogen Fertilization Models, Accounting for Crop Rotation Effect. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems. 39(3): 245-275.
  •  D’Souza, C. and E.K. Yiridoe. 2014. Social Acceptance of Wind Energy Development and Planning in Rural Communities of Australia: A Consumer Analysis. Energy Policy. 74: 262-270.
  • Amon-Armah, F., E.K. Yiridoe, N. Ahmad, D. Hebb, R. Jamieson, D. Burton, and A. Madani. 2013. Effect of Nutrient Management Planning on Crop Yield, Nitrate Leaching and Sediment Loading in Thomas Brook Watershed. Environmental Management 52(5): 1171-1191.
  • Mudasser, M., E.K. Yiridoe, and K. Corscadden. 2013.  Economic Feasibility of Large Community Feed-in Tariff-Eligible Wind Energy Production in Nova Scotia. Energy Policy. 62: 966-977.
  • Corscadden, K., A. Wile, and E.K. Yiridoe. 2012. Social license and consultation criteria for community wind projects. Renewable Energy. 44: 392-397.
  • Ahmad, H.M.N., A. Sinclair, R. Jamieson, A. Madani, D. Hebb, P. Havard, and E. K. Yiridoe. 2011. Modeling sediment and nitrogen export for a rural watershed in eastern Canada using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool. Journal of Environmental Quality. 40(4): 1182-1194.
  • Yiridoe, E.K., D.O.A. Atari, R. Gordon, and S. Smale. 2010. Factors Which Influence Participation in the Nova Scotia Environmental Farm Plan Program. Land Use Policy. 27(4): 1097-1106.
  • Atari, D.O. A., E.K. Yiridoe, S. Smale, and P. N. Duinker. 2009. What Motivates Farmers to Participate in the Nova Scotia Environmental Farm Plan Program? Evidence and Environmental Policy Implications. Journal of Environmental Management. 90(2): 1269-1279.
  • Afari-Sefa, V., E.K. Yiridoe, R. Gordon, and D. Hebb. 2008. Decision considerations and cost analysis of BMP implementation in Thomas Brook Watershed, Nova Scotia. Journal of International Farm Management. 4(3): 1 - 32.
  • Bailey, J.A., R. Gordon, D. Burton, and E. K. Yiridoe. 2008. Factors Which Influence Nova Scotia Farmers in Implementing Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Measures. Energy. 33(9): 1369 - 1377.
  • Bailey, J.A., R. Gordon, D. Burton, and E. K. Yiridoe. 2008. Energy conservation on Nova Scotia farms: Baseline energy data.Energy. 33(7): 1144 – 1154.
  • Jatoe, J.B.D, E.K. Yiridoe, A. Weersink, and J.S. Clark. 2008. Economic and environmental impacts of introducing land use policies and rotations on Prince Edward Island potato farms Land Use Policy. 25(3): 309-319.
  • Clark, J.S., P. Prochazka, E.K. Yiridoe, and K. Prochazkova. 2007. PVYn and Potato Wart Disease Outbreaks in PEI: Policy Response and Analysis. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 55(4): 527-534.
  • Brown, B.B., E.K. Yiridoe, and R. Gordon. 2007. Impact of single versus multiple policy options on the economic feasibility of biogas energy production: swine and dairy operations in Nova Scotia. Energy Policy. 35(9): 4597- 4610.
  • Yiridoe, E.K., A.S. Langyintuo, and W. Dogbe. 2006. Economics of the impact of alternative rice cropping systems on subsistent farming: whole-farm analysis in Northern Ghana. Agricultural Systems. 91(1/2): 102-121.
  • Yiridoe, E.K., S. Bonti-Ankomah, R.C. Martin. 2005. Comparison of consumer perceptions and preferences toward organic versus conventionally-produced foods: a review and update of the literature. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 20(4): 193-205.
  • Yiridoe, E.K. 2005. A problem ignored: the role of a weights and measures system in food security in Africa. Outlook on Agriculture. 34(4):233-242.
  • Yiridoe, E.K., and V.M. Anchirinah. 2005. Garden production systems and food security in Ghana: Characteristics of traditional knowledge and management systems. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 20(3): 168-180.
  • Langyintuo, A.S., E.K. Yiridoe, W. Dogbe, and J. Lowenberg-Deboer. 2005. Yield and income risk risk-efficiency analysis of alternative fallow systems for rice production in the Guinea Savannah of Northern Ghana. Agricultural Economics. 32: 141-150.
  • Yiridoe, E.K., and Geb E. Marett. 2004. Mitigating the high cost of ISO 14001 EMS standard certification: lessons from agribusiness case research. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 7(2): 37-62.
  • Astatkie, T., E.K. Yiridoe, and J.S. Clark. 2003. Testing for trend in variability of climate data: measures and temporal aggregation with applications to Canadian data. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 76(3/4): 235-247.
  • Yiridoe,E.K., J.S.Clark, G.Marret, R.Gordon, and P.Duinker. 2003. ISO 14001 EMS standard registration decisions among Canadian organizations. Agribusiness. 19(4): 439-457.
  • Asiedu, S.K., T. Astatkie, and E.K. Yiridoe. 2003. The effect of seed-tuber physiological age and cultivar on early potato production. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 189 (3): 176-184.
  • Anchirinah, V.M., E.K. Yiridoe, S.O. Bennett-Lartey. 2001. Enhancing sustainable production and genetic resource conservation of bambara groundnut: a survey of indigenous agricultural knowledge systems. Outlook on Agriculture. 30(4): 281-288.
  • Clark, J.S., and E.K. Yiridoe. 2001. Challenges to the expansion of agricultural exports from Atlantic Canada. In, D. Chaundy (ed), Atlantic Canada’s International Trade in the Post-FTA Era. pp. 135-144. Halifax, Canada: Atlantic Provinces Economic Council.
  • Anchirinah, V.M., M. Addison, H.K. Dapaah, and E.K. Yiridoe. 2000. Prospects of using improved intermediate means of transport in Ghanaian agriculture: a survey. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. 17(2/3): 145-168.
  • Yiridoe, E.K., A. Weersink, T.J. Vyn, C. Swanton and D.C. Hooker. 2000. Income risk analysis of alternative tillage systems for corn and soybean production on clay soils. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 48(2): 161-174.
  • Yiridoe, E.K. 2000. Risk of public disclosure in environmental farm plan programs: characteristics and mitigating legal and policy strategies. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. 13(1): 101-120.
  • Clark, J.S., E.K. Yiridoe, N.D. Burns, and T. Astatkie. 2000. Regional climate change: trend analysis of temperature and precipitation series at selected Canadian sites. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 48(1): 27-38.
  • Yiridoe, E.K., T.J. Vyn, A. Weersink, D.C. Hooker, and C. Swanton. 2000. Farm-level profitability analysis of alternative tillage systems on clay soils. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 80 (1): 65-73.
  • Yiridoe, E.K., and A. Weersink. 1998. Marginal abatement costs of reducing groundwater-N pollution with intensive and extensive farm management choices. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. 27(2): 169-185.
  • Yiridoe, E.K., R.P. Voroney, and A. Weersink. 1997. Impact of alternative farm management practices on nitrogen pollution of groundwater: Evaluation and application of CENTURY model.Journal of Environmental Quality. 26(5):1255-1263.
  • Yiridoe, E.K. and A. Weersink. 1997. A review and evaluation of agroecosystem health analysis: The role of economics.Agricultural Systems. 55(4): 601-626.
  • Sellen, D., J.H. Tolman, G. McLeod, A. Weersink, and E.K. Yiridoe. 1996. A comparison of financial returns during transition from conventional to organic vegetable production.Journal of Vegetable Crop Production. 1(2): 11-39.
  • Yiridoe, E.K. 1995. Economic and socio-cultural aspects of cowrie currency of the Dagaaba of Northwestern Ghana. Nordic Journal of African Studies. 4(2): 17-33.
  • Yiridoe, E.K., A. Weersink, R. Roy and C. Swanton. 1994. Risk efficient choice of bean/winter wheat rotation, cover crop and tillage system on light textured soils. Journal of Production Agriculture. 7(3): 374-380.
  • Yiridoe, E.K. and A. Weersink. 1994. Optimal replacement age of switching from conventional tillage to no-till tillage equipment. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. 58(1): 144-149.
  • Yiridoe, E.K., A. Weersink, R. Roy, C. Swanton. 1993. Economic analysis of alternative cropping systems for a bean/wheat rotation on light-textured soils. Canadian Journal of Plant Science,73(2):405-415.
