Clark KF,Yang J, Acorn AR, Garland JJ, Stewart-Clark SE, Greenwood SJ (2017) The impact of harvesting location on American lobster (Homarus americanus) during live storage. Journal of Crustacean Biology. 37(3):303-314
Bojko J, Clark KF, Bass D, Dunn AM, Stewart-Clark SE, Stebbing, P, G Stentiford. (2016). Parahepatospora carcini n. gen., n. sp., a parasite of invasive Carcinus maenas with intermediate features of sporogony between the Enterocytozoon clade and other Microsporidia. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 143: 124-134.
Carman M, Colarusso P, Nelson E, Grunden DW, Wong MC, McKenzie C, Matheson K, Davidson J, Heinig C, Fox S, Neckles H, Schott S, Dijkstra J & SE Sarah Stewart-Clark (2016) Distribution and diversity of tunicates utilizing eelgrass as substrate in eastern North America: a latitudinal study between N 39° and N 47° (New Jersey and Newfoundland) Management of Biological Invasions 7: 51-57.
Ma, KCK, Simard N, Stewart-Clark SE, Bernier RY, Nadeau M, Willis J. (2016) Early detection of the non-indigenous colonial ascidian Diplosoma listerianum in eastern Canada and its implications for monitoring. Management of Biological Invasions 7: Volume 7, Issue 4: 365–374.
Vercaemer B, Sephton D, Clément P, Harman A, Stewart-Clark SE, C DiBacco (2015) Distribution of the non-indigenous colonial ascidian Didemnum vexillum (Kott 2002) in the Bay of Fundy and on offshore banks, eastern Canada. Management of Biological Invasions 6: 385-394.
Stewart-Clark SE, Davidson J, S Greenwood. (2013) Monitoring for propagules of Ciona intestinalis in marine water samples: The development of temporal gene expression markers for viability and life stage specific assays. Management of Biological Invasions (2013) 3: 207-217.
Stewart-Clark SE, J. Davidson, S.J. Greenwood (2013). Optimization and validation of molecular assays for invasive tunicate monitoring in environmental water samples. Aquatic Sciences and Technology 1: 143-166.
Willis JE, Stewart-Clark SE, Greenwood SJ, Davidson J, Quijon P. (2011) A PCR-based assay to facilitate early detection of Diplosoma listerianum in Atlantic Canada. AquaticInvasions 6: 7-16.
Stewart-Clark SE, A Siah, SJ Greenwood, J Davidson & FCJ Berthe (2009) Development of 18S rDNA and COI gene primers for the identification of invasive tunicate species in water samples. Aquatic Invasions 4: 575-580.