Refereed Publications

74.     Farid, A.H. and P.P. Rupasinge. 2016. Accuracy of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for quantification of antibodies against Aluetian mink disease virus. J. Virological Methods, 235:144-151. Pubmed

73.    Qureshi, Z.I., A.H. Farid, M.E. Babar and T. Hussain. 2015. Leptin Gene Polymorphism in Lohi, Kajli and Spili breeds of sheep. Pak Vet J. 35:321-324.

72.       Farid, A.H., I. Hussain and I. Arju. 2015. Detection of the Aleutian mink disease virus DNA and anti-viral antibodies in American mink (Neovison vison) 10 days post-inoculation.  J. Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 27:287-294 Pubmed

71.    Farid, A.H. and J. Segervall. 2014. A comparison between ELISA and CIEP for measuring antibody titres against Aleutian mink disease virus. Virology and Mycology, 3:137.  doi: 10.4172/2161-0517.1000137

70.       Hussain, I., G.W. Price and A.H. Farid. 2014. Inactivation of Aleutian mink disease virus through high temperature exposure in vitro and under field-based composting conditions. Veterinary Microbiology, 173:50-58.  Pubmed

69.       Roshanfekr, H. and A. Farid. 2013. Polymorphisms of the prion protein Gene in Iranian Holstein and Najdi and Sarabi cattle breeds. International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences. 6:1596-1599. 

68.    Farid, A.H. 2013. Aleutian mink disease virus in furbearing mammals in Nova Scotia, Canada’. ACTA Veterinaria Scandinavica. 55:10 Pubmed

67.       Benkel, B.F., A. Smith, K. Christensen, R. Anistoroaei, Y. Zhang, C.W. Sensen, H. Farid, L.Paterson and R.M. Teather. 2012. A comparative, BAC end sequence enabled map of the genome of the American mink (Neovison vison). Genes & Genomics, 34:83-91.

66.    Farid, A.H., M.L. Zillig, G.G. Finley and G.C. Smith. 2012. Prevalence of the Aleutian mink disease virus infection in Nova Scotia, Canada. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 106:332-338.

65.    Ali, S., M.E., Babar, A.H. Farid, P. Akhtar and A.R. Awan. 2011. Novel single nucleotide polymorphism identification in interleukin-6 gene of Pakistani sheep. Mol. Biol. Rep. 38:2151-2154. DOI 10.1007/s11033-010-0342-5 Pubmed

64.Farid, A.H. and L.E. Ferns. 2011. Aleutian mink disease virus infection may cause hair depigmentation. Scientifur, 35(4):55-59. 

63.    Farid, A.H., P. Rupasinghe, J.L. Mitchell and K. Rouvinen-Watt. 2010. A survey of Aleutian mink disease virus infection of feral American mink in Nova Scotia. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 51:75-77.

62.       Daude, N., Wohlgemuth, S., Rogaeva, E., Farid, A.H., Heaton, M.P. and Westaway, D.2009. Frequent missense and insertion/deletion polymorphisms in the ovine Shadoo gene parallel species-specific variation in PrP. PLoS ONE 4(8): e6538. Pubmed

61.    Anistoroaei, R.S., Ansari, A. Farid, B. Benkel, P. Karlskov-Mortensen and K. Christensen. 2009. An extended anchored linkage map and virtual mapping for the American mink genome based on homology to human and dog. Genomics 94:204-210. Pubmed        

60.    Benkel, B.F., K. Rouvinen-Watt, H. Farid and R. Anistoroaei. 2009. Molecularcharacterization of the Himalayan mink. Mamm Genome. 20:256-259. Pub Med

59.    Babar, M.E., A. Farid, B.F. Benkel, J. Ahmad, A. Nadeem and M. Imran. 2009. Frequencies of PrP genotypes and their implication for breeding against scrapie susceptibility in nine Pakistani sheep breeds. Molecular Biology Report.  36:561-565. Pubmed

58.    Babar, M.E., B.F. Benkel, A. Farid, M. Navaz, A. Naseem, M. Abdullah, A. Ali, M. Imran,and R. Jabeen. 2008. Comparative sequence analysis of PRKAG3 gene between Pakistani buffalo and cattle breeds. Pakistan J. Zool, 40:441-445.57.

57. Babar, M.E., A. Farid, B.F. Benkel, J. Ahmad, I.A. Sajid, M. Imran, T. Hussain and A. Nadeem. 2008. Genetic variability at seven codons of the prion protein gene in nine Pakistani sheep breeds. J. Genet. 87:187-190. Pubmed

56.    Ansari, S., R. Anistoroaei, A. Farid, K. Christensen and B.F. Benkel. 2007 Characterization of microsatellite markers isolated from the American mink (Mustela vision) genome. Scientifur 31:55-58.

55.    Benkel, B.F., E. Valle, N. Bissonnette and A. Farid. 2007. Simultaneous detection of eight single nucleotide polymorphisms in the ovine prion protein gene. Molecular and Cellular Probes. 21:363-367. PubMed

54.    Anistoroaei, R., A. Menzorov, O. Serov, A. Farid and K. Christensen. 2007. The first linkage Map of the American mink (Mustela vision). Animal Genetics 38:384-388. PubMed

53.    Anistoroaei,R., A. Farid, B. Benkel, S. Cirera and K. Christensen. 2006. Isolation and characterization of 76 microsatellite markers for the American mink (Mustela vison). Animal Genetics 37:185-188. PubMed

52.    Vincent, I.R., A. Farid, and C.J. Otieno. 2003.Variability of thirteen microsatellite markers for the American mink (Mustela vison). Can. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 83:597-599. 

51.    Papadopoulos, Y.A., E. Charmley, K.B. McRae, A. Farid and M.A. Price.  2001. Addition of white clover to orchardgrass pasture improves the performance of grazing lambs, but not herbage production. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 81: 517-523. 

50.    Farid, A., E. O’Reilly, C. Dollard and C.R. Kelsey Jr.  2000. Genetic analysis of ten sheep breeds using microsatellite markers. Can. J. Animal. Sci. 80:9-17. 

49.    Belliveau, A.M., A. Farid, M. O'Connell and J.M. Wright. 1999. Assessment of genetic variability in captive and wild American mink (Mustela vison) using microsatellites. Can. J. Animal. Sci. 79:7-16. 

48.    O'Connell, M., J.M. Wright and A. Farid. 1996. Development of PCR primers for nine polymorphic American mink (Mustela vison) microsatellite loci. Molecular Ecology. 5:311-312. Pubmed

47.    Farid, A. 1991. Slaughter and carcass characteristics of three fat-tailed breeds of sheep and their crosses with Corriedale and Targhee rams. Small Ruminant Research 5:255-271.

46.    Farid, A. 1991. Carcass physical and chemical composition of three fat-tailed breeds of sheep. Meat Science 29:109-120. Pubmed

45.    Farid, A., M. Makarechian and J.A. Newman. 1990. Effective population size in control populations of mice differing in original genetic heterogeneity. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 107:169-179.

44.   Farid, A., J. Pourreza and A. Davoodian. 1990. Evaluation of  poultry populations of southern Iran. II-Weight and reproductive capacity of native poultry eggs collected from villages. World Review of Animal Production. 25(No.4):37-45.

43.     Farid, A. 1989. Direct, maternal and heterosis effects for slaughter and carcass characteristics in three breeds of fat-tailed sheep. Livestock Production Science. 23:137-162.

42.     Farid, A., M. Makarechian, R.T. Berg and M.A. Price. 1989. Variations in and relationships between reproductive performance and growth parameters in yearling beef bulls in single-sire mating at pasture.  Can. J. Anim. Sci. 69:39-46.

41.     Farid, A., M. Makarechian and N. Sefidbakht. 1989. Reproductive performance of three fat-tailed breeds of sheep mated to native, Corriedale and Targhee rams. Tropical Animal Health and Production. 21:25-31. Pubmed

40.     Safari, E., N. Sefidbakht and A. Farid. 1988. Effect of castration and cryptorchidism on fatty acid content of ovine adipose tissue. Meat Science. 23:65-69. Pubmed

39.     Farid, A., M. Makarechian and C. Strobeck. 1987. Inbreeding under a cyclical mating system. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 73:506-515 Pubmed

38.    Farid, A., M. Makarechian, M.A. Price and R.T. Berg. 1987.  Repeatability of reproductive performance of beef bulls as yearlings and two-year olds at pasture. Animal Reproduction Science. 14:21-29

37.     Makarechian, M., A. Farid and R.T. Berg. 1987. Evaluation of bull fertility in multiple-sire mating at pasture. Can. J. Anim. Sci.  67:27:35

36.     Farid, A. and M. Makarechian. 1987. Onset of estrus and length  of estrous cycle during breeding season in five breeds of fat-tailed sheep. World Review of Animal Production  23(No.2):39-45.

35.     Farid, A., M.J. Zamiri and J. Pourreza. 1987. Evaluation of  poultry populations of Southern Iran. I-Problems and prospects of poultry production in rural areas. World Review of Animal Production 23(No.1):13-19.

34.    Pourreza, J., M. J. Zamiri and A. Farid. 1986. Egg quality of  the native chickens of Fars province. Iran Agricultural Res. 5: 21:30.

33.    Makarechian, M., A. Farid and R.T. Berg. 1985. Scrotal circumference, semen characteristics, growth parameters and their relationships in young beef bulls. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 65:789-798.

32.    Makarechian, M., A. Farid and R.T. Berg.  1985. Evaluation of bull and cow fertility at pasture in single-sire mating.  Can. J. Anim. Sci. 65:799-809.

31.    Makarechian, M., A. Farid and R.T. Berg. 1985. Effects of  exposure to bulls and body weight  on reproductive performance in beef heifers. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 65:31-36.

30.     Makarechian, M. and A. Farid. 1985. The relationship between breeding soundness evaluation and fertility of beef bulls under group mating at pasture. Theriogenology 23:887-898.

29.     Makarechian, M., A. Farid and R.T. Berg. 1985. Separation of the effects of age, body weight and gain on pregnancy rates of beef heifers by principal component analysis. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 65:595-602.

28.    Makarechian, M., A. Farid and E. Simhaee. 1984. Short term response to selection for egg production in indigenous poultry of Southern Iran. World Review of Animal Production.  20 (No 3):15-21.

27.    Makarechian, M., A. Farid and R.T. Berg. 1984. Relationships between growth parameters and scrotal circumference in young beef bulls.  Theriogenology 22: 667-674.

26.    Farid, A. and M. Makarechian. 1984. A preliminary study of  reproduction and milk production of Sarabi cows crossed with Holstein and Brown Swiss bulls. World Review of Animal Production.  20(No 1):49-56.

25.    Makarechian, M., A. Farid. A. Nik-Khah and E. Simhaee. 1983. Productive characteristics and genetic potentials of indigenous poultry of Southern Iran for meat production.  World Review of Animal Production. 19(No 1):45-51.

24.     Makarechian, M., A. Farid and E. Simhaee. 1983. A preliminary study on egg production and laying pattern of indigenous poultry of Southern Iran.  World Review of Animal Production. 19(No 3):15-25.

23.    Farid, A., J. Izadifard, M.A. Edriss and M. Makarechian. 1983. Meat from culled old ewes of two fat-tailed Iranian breeds.  II-Meat, subcutaneous fat and bone in wholesale cuts. Iran Agricultural Res. 2:93-114.

22.    Pourreza, J., M.J. Zamiri and A. Farid. 1983. Egg components of the native Fars chickens in cages and on deep-litter. Iran Agricultural Res. 2:115-124.

21.     Makarechian, M., A. Farid and N. Sefidbakht. 1982.Crossbreeding of Iranian fat-tailed sheep. VI. Reproductive performance and lamb production in Karakul, Mehraban and Naeini breeds. Iran Agricultural Res. 1:1-15.

20.    Farid, A., M.A. Edriss, J. Izadifard and M. Makarechian. 1979.  Meat from culled old ewes of two fat-tailed Iranian breeds.  I.  Feedlot performance and some carcass traits. Iran J. Agric. Res. 7:11-23.

19.     Sefidbakht, N., M.S. Mostafavi and A. Farid. 1978. Annual reproductive rhythm and ovulation rate in four fat-tailed sheep breeds. Anim. Prod. 26:177-184.

18.    Farid, A. and M. Makarechian. 1978. The relationships between pre- and postweaning growth traits in lambs of Iranian fat-tailed sheep and their crosses with Corriedale and Targhee rams.  Anim. Prod. 26: 185-192.

17.    Farid, A. and M. Makarechian. 1978. Crossbreeding of Iranian fat-tailed sheep. IV. Wool production of Karakul, Mehraban, Naeini and their reciprocal crosses at six and fifteen months of age. Iran. J. Agric. Res. 6: 49-59.

16.    Farid, A. and M. Makarechian. 1978. Crossbreeding of Iranian fat-tailed sheep. V. The phenotypic relationships between some growth traits and wool production. Iran. J. Agric. Res. 6: 99-106.

15.     Makarechian, M. and A. Farid. 1978. Crossbreeding of Iranian fat-tailed sheep. III. The relationships of pre- and post-weaning growth performance of lambs. Iran. J. Agric. Res. 6: 41-47.

14.    Makarechian, M., A. Farid and B. Goshtasbpour-Parsi. 1978. A  study of sheep breed differences in utilizing feed high in wheat straw. Iran. J. Agric. Res. 6:107-115.

13.    Sefidbakht, N., A. Farid and M. Makarechian. 1978. Lamb production of fall vs. spring mating of four fat-tailed Iranian breeds of sheep under farm condition. Iran. J. Agric. Res. 6:33-39.

12.     Farid, A., M. Makarechian and N. Sefidbakht. 1977.Crossbreeding of Iranian fat-tailed sheep: lamb performance of Karakul, Mehraban and Naeini breeds. J. Anim. Sci. 44: 542-548.

11.    Makarechian, M., A. Farid and N. Sefidbakht. 1977. Lamb growth performance of Iranian fat-tailed Karakul, Mehraban and Naeini breeds of sheep and their crosses with Corriedale and Targhee rams. Anim. Prod. 25: 331-341.

10.    Sefidbakht, N., M.S. Mostafavi and A. Farid. 1977. Effect of  season of lambing on post partum ovulation, conception and follicular development of four fat-tailed Iranian breeds of sheep. J. Anim. Sci. 45:305-310.

9.    Sefidbakht, N. and A. Farid. 1977. Effect of early weaning and hormone treatments on induction of estrus, conception and lambing of fall-lambing Karakul ewes. J. Anim. Sci. 45:311-319.

8.     Farid, A. and M. Makarechian. 1977. A study on body weight and measurements of some fat-tailed Iranian sheep breeds. I-  Some sources of variation affecting body weight and measurements of Karakul, Mehraban, Naeini, Ghezel and Bakhtiari ewes. Iran. J. Agric. Res. 5:55-77.

7.    Makarechian, M., A. Farid and N. Sefidbakht. 1977. Wool production in some fat-tailed Iranian sheep breeds. I- Some quantitative characteristics of Karakul, Mehraban, Naeini, Ghezel and Bakhtiari breeds. Iran J. Agric. Res. 5: 79-98.

6.    Makarechian, M., A. Farid, N. Sefidbakht and M.S. Mostafavi.  1977. Crossbreeding of Iranian fat-tailed sheep. II-  Feedlot performance of Karakul, Mehraban, Naeini and their reciprocal crosses. Iran. J. Agric. Res. 5:129-138.

5.    Pasdar, M., M. Makarechian and A. Farid. 1976. A note on the association between transferrin types and some productive traits in Iranian sheep. Anim. Prod. 22:123-125.

4.    Farid, A. and M. Makarechian. 1976. Some source of variation in the body weight of Karakul, Mehraban, Naeini and Bakhtiari breeds of sheep. Iran. J. Agric. Res. 4:7-16.

3.    Farid, A., M. Makarechian and N. Sefidbakht.  1976. Crossbreeding of Iranian fat-tailed sheep. I- Preweaning growth performance of Karakul, Mehraban, Naeini and their reciprocal crosses. Iran. J. Agric. Res. 4:69-79.

2.    Farid, A., M. Makarechian, N. Sefidbakht and M.S. Mostafavi. 1975. Dried beet pulp as a barley replacement for fattening lambs of two Iranian breeds of sheep. Iran. J. Agric. Res. 3:31-40.

1.    Makarechian, M., A. Farid, N. Sefidbakht and M.S. Mostafavi. 1973. The influence of breed and  weaning age on feedlot performance of Iranian fat-tailed sheep. Iran. J. Agric. Res. 2:21-29.

Book chapter

  • Farid, A.H.  and M.H. Fahmy. 1996. East Friesian and other European Breeds. In "Prolific  Sheep", M.H. Fahmy, Editor. CAB International, Walingford, Oxon, U.K., pp. 93-108.