Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Research Resource (NMR‑3)

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NMR Software SOPs

Documents [PDF] Brief description
TopSpin 4 Installation A guide (Version 1.6 / February 2022) to installing the Bruker software package TopSpin 4 (student edition).
Processing 1D NMR Data With TopSPin 4 A guide (Version 1.0 / January, 2019) to processing 1D NMR data with TopSpin 4.0 (academic version).
TopSpin 4 Plot Editor A guide (Version 1.00 / October, 2019) to the TopSpin 4 plot editor, including a FAQ section.
FTP How-To A guide (Version 2.0/ March, 2015) to retrieving your NMR data from the fileserver using Windows FTP.
Importing NMR Data into Excel or PowerPoint Use these guides to import your NMR data into Microsoft Office software products.
Using gNMR A guide to simulating your NMR spectra with the free program "gNMR".
