Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Research Resource (NMR‑3)

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AV‑300 Spectrometer SOPs

Documents [PDF] Brief description
AV-300 Guide A guide (Version 1.5 / February, 2014) to acquiring NMR spectra on the Bruker AV-300 spectrometer with TopSpin and the EZ Button Panel.
High Temperature Experiments A guide (Version 1.0 / September, 2013) with step-by-step instructions for performing experiments above room temperature on the Bruker AV-300 spectrometer.
Low Temperature Experiments A guide (Version 1.7 / October, 2014) with step-by-step instructions for performing experiments below room temperature on the Bruker AV-300 spectrometer.
Autosampler Removal & Replacement Step-by-step instructions for removing the SampleXpress Lite carousel as well as re-installing it (Version 1.0 / January, 2014)
Autosampler Reset Step-by-step instructions describing how to reset the SampleXpress Lite autosampler when the indicator light is red (version 1.0 / January, 2014)
