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2024 winner: GRACE ALBERTS - Environmental Policy Ambition and Hypocrisy in the European Parliament, European Commission, and Council of the European Union.

Recent winners: 2023 - Noah Hollis,  No Integration Without Sovereignty: The Potential for a ‘True’ European Health Union.; 2022 - Faith Gladwin, Rising Populism: The Fall of the European Union?; 2021 - Patricia Porto de Barros Ayaz, The European Union’s Migration Management: Border Externalization and the Negligence to Human Rights; 2020 - Poppy Jackson, The Path to Fiscal Union: Is This a Feasible Option for the European Union?; 2019 - Ifeoluwatari Ajadi, From 'Dependent' to 'Deviant': Highlighting structural racism and the Social Construction of Target Populations for refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants in Italy; 2018 - Coleman Kettenbach, Does the EU live up to its name as a Global Climate Leader?  A case study of the Paris Climate Accord2017 - Chris Wieczorek, Improving Counter-Terrorism Policy Integration in the European Union: An Analysis


Click here for papers (plus summaries and slides) from the International Workshop on Asylum Regimes, Bordering Practices and Asylum Seekers’ Experiences: Gendering Violence and Precarity in Forced Migration (5th - 6th May 2022), organised by the WASEM Project and Jean Monnet European Union Centre of Excellence.  


Latest Publications

Evangelia Tsastoglou et al., The Gender-Based Violence and Precarity Nexus: Asylum-Seeking Women in the Eastern Mediterranean, Front. Hum. Dyn., Refugees and Conflict, Special Research Topic on Gender, Violence and Forced Migration, 2021  

Ruben Zaiotti, Lingering Effects: Mobility and Border Control in a Post-Pandemic Europe, CIC, Behind the Headlines, Vol. 69, No. 20, May 2021

Dimitri Constas, article on EU Summit, Refugees and Turkey: A Proposal, Editors’ Journal, Athens Daily (28th June 2021)

Dimitri Constas, Overlapping Regimes in Times of Crisis: Refugees and the Pandemic, Apr. 2020

Larry Hughes & Moniek de Jong Emissions Targets in the EU and Canada, Policy Options, Jan. 2017



Latest Publication

Theodore Adimazoya EU and Canada Offshore Renewable Energy Policy and Governance: Key Similarities and Differences



Latest Publications

Robert G. Finbow (ed.), CETA Implementation and Implications: Unravelling the Puzzle (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022) 384pp.

Corneliu Bjola and Ruben Zaiotti (eds.), Digital Diplomacy and International Organisations: Autonomy, Legitimacy and Contestation (Routledge, 2020) 320pp.

Zaiotti externalizing book

Ruben Zaiotti (ed.) Externalizing Migration Management  Europe, North America and the spread of 'remote control' practicesExternalizing Migration Management in Europe and North America
(Routledge, 2016) 308pp.

Finn Laursen (ed.), The Rise and Fall of the Constitutional Treaty, (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers/Academic Publishers Brill, 2008), 560pp.

Finn Laursen (ed.), The EU in the Global Political Economy, (Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2009), 352pp.

Finn Laursen (ed.), The EU as a Foreign and Security Policy Actor, (Dordrecht: Republic of Letters Publishing, 2009), 362pp.

Finn Laursen (ed.), Comparative Regional Integration: Europe and Beyond, (Farnham: Ashgate, 2010), 282pp.

Finn Laursen (ed.), The EU and Federalism: Polities and Policies Compared, (Farnham: Ashgate, 2011), 283pp.

The Making of the EU’s Lisbon Treaty: the Role of the Member States, (Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2012), 324pp.

Finn Laursen (ed.), The Lisbon Treaty: Institutional Choices and Implementation, (Farnham: Ashgate, 2012), 302pp.

Finn Laursen (ed.), The EU, Security and Transatlantic Relations, (Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2012), 344pp.

Finn Laursen (ed.), The EU and the Political Economy of Transatlantic Relations, (Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2012), 319pp.

Finn Laursen (ed.), The EU and the Eurozone Crisis: Policy Challenges and Strategic Choices, (Farnham: Ashgate, 2013), 242 pp.

Finn Laursen (ed.) EU Enlargement: Current Challenges and Strategic Choices, (Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2013), 360 pp.


Also edited by Finn Laursen, but financed through an Information and Research Activity (IRA) with support from the European Commission’s Jean Monnet programme:

Finn Laursen (ed.) Designing the European Union: From Paris to Lisbon, (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), 317 pp.
