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SGBA Rising to the Challenge Manual

Research and products

Rising to the Challenge: Sex‑ and Gender‑Based Analysis for Health Planning, Policy and Research in Canada [PDF - 4.5 MB]
Barbara Clow, Ann Pederson, Margaret Haworth‑Brockman, Jennifer Bernier (2009)

Se montrer à la hauteur du défi: Lanalyse des influences du genre et de politiques et en recherche dans du sexe en planification, en elaboration le domaine de la santé au Canada [PDF - 5.4 MB]
Barbara Clow, Ann Pederson, Margaret Haworth‑Brockman, Jennifer Bernier (2009) fr.

Afrontando el reto: Análisis basado en sexo y género para la planificación, las políticas y la investigación en salud en Canadá
Capítulo dos Contexto y conceptos [PDF - 1.6 MB]
Barbara Clow, Ann Pederson, Margaret Haworth‑Brockman, Jennifer Bernier (2009) sp.

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Rising to the Challenge

Rising to the Challenge describes the process of sex- and gender-based analysis and offers a collection of case studies and commentaries that illustrate SGBA in action.
