Farm Family Health

Effects of 'mad cow disease'

The Farm Family Health project was developed to study the effects of the 2003 outbreak of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), known as 'mad cow disease', on farm families and communities. Studies were conducted in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and British Columbia to advance knowledge about how different regions were affected by the closure of international borders, the policy and practice response of provincial and federal governments, and the impact of the BSE crisis on farm family and community health. 

The Effects of the BSE Crisis on Farmers and Farming Communities in Nova Scotia
- summary report [PDF - 734 kB]
Tanya Barber, Barbara Clow (2013)

Farm Family Health Research Project: Information about Getting Involved - poster
[PDF - 75 kB] (2007)

Farm and Ranch Family Health Survey Information Sheets: