
Research and products

Controlling HIV/AIDS in Our Community: The Story of Success in Il Ngwesi

[PDF - 111 kB] (2010)

Special Report from the Rapporteur's Desk: RENEWAL Regional Workshop: A Decade of Work on HIV, Food and Nutrition Security [PDF - 73 kB]
Katharine Hagerman (2010)

Skills-building for Gender Mainstreaming in HIV/AIDS Research and Practice
Bridgette Prince, Sarah Pugh, Sharon Kleintjes (2007)

L'analyse comparative entre les sexes et le VIH/sida - communiqué [PDF - 56 kB] (2006) fr.

Exploring the Challenges of HIV/AIDS - seminar proceedings [PDF - 988 kB] (2006)

Gender as a Determinant of Health: Local & International Perspectives - presentation [PDF - 71 kB]
Jane Moloney (2006)

Gender, Diversity and HIV/AIDS - bookmark [PDF - 69 kB] (2006)

Genre, diversite, et HIV/SIDA - bookmark [PDF - 59 kB] (2006) fr.

Gender-Based Analysis and HIV/AIDS - checklist [PDF - 57 kB] (2006)

HIV/AIDS A Global Epidemic: Women, AIDS, and sub-Saharan Africa - handout
[PDF - 294 kB] (2006)

Kristin Roe attempts swim from Robben Island to Cape Town in Dedication to Women With HIV in South Africa [PDF - 32 kB]
Press Release (2006)

Skills-Building Workshop: Gender, Diversity and HIV/AIDS - poster [PDF - 154 kB] (2006)

Time to Deliver on Gender and HIV/AIDS - research bulletin [PDF - 132 kB] (2006)

Bridging the Gap Between Research, Policies and Interventions - 3rd Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research Alliance Conference [PDF - 30 kB]
Sarah Pugh (2005)

Gender and HIV/AIDS: The Nuts and Bolts of Gender-Based Analysis - 3rd African SAHARA Conference [PDF - 70 kB]
Sarah Pugh (2005)

New Gender Mainstreaming Series on Gender Issues: Gender Mainstreaming
in HIV/AIDS Taking a Multisectoral Approach
- monograph [PDF - 794 kB] (2005)

Gender and HIV/AIDS: Promoting a gender-based approach to HIV and AIDS policies, programmes, and research - brochure [PDF 669 kB] (2005)

Pourquoi le VIH/sida est-il une question qui concerne les femmes?
- document de politique générale [PDF - 131 kB] (2005) fr.

Why is HIV/AIDS a Women's Issue? - brief [PDF - 125 kB] (2005)

Women and Girls' Growing Risk of AIDS [PDF - 110 kB]
Press Release (2005)

The AIDS Pandemic and Gender: The Socio-Cultural Effects on Development With an Emphasis on Commonwealth Countries - A selected annotated bibliography
[PDF - 146 kB] (2004)

Exploring HIV/AIDS Issues in Canada and the Caribbean [PDF - 316 kB] (2004)

Inaugural Institute on Gender and HIV/AIDS Southern Africa [PDF - 80 kB]
Press Release (2004)

Inaugural International Institute on Gender and HIV/AIDS Strengthening the Connection Between Practice, Policy and Research - final report [PDF - 806 kB]
Barbara Clow (2004)

International Institute on Gender and HIV/AIDS: Strengthening the Connection Between Practice, Policy and Research - note [PDF - 130 kB] (2004)

Mind the Sex Gap: Bridging Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV Prevention for Young Heterosexual Males  - final discussion paper [PDF - 238 kB]
Jacqueline Gahagan, Laurene A. Rehman (2004)

Women, HIV/AIDS and Human Rights: A Select Annotated Bibliography
[PDF - 245 kB] (2004) en. & fr.

Introduction to Gender and HIV/AIDS Bibliographies [PDF - 383 kB] (2002)