
Research and products

Priorities for Caregivers: Executive Summary [PDF - 976 kB]
Brigitte Neumann, Carolina Crewe, Barbara Clow, Carol Amaratunga (2007)

Sommaire: Priorités en matière de prestation des soins non rénumérée [PDF - 980 kB] Brigitte Neumann, Carolina Crewe, Barbara Clow, Carol Amaratunga (2007) fr.

Healthy Balance Research Program Policy Advisory Committee [PDF - 219 kB] (2006)

Supporting Caregivers of Dependent Adults in the 21st Century: CRPN Background Paper [PDF - 315 kB]
Beth Rajnovich, Janice Keefe, Janet Fast (2005)

Policy Options to Support Dependent Care: The Tax/Transfer System [PDF - 610 kB]
Richard Shillington (2004)

Thinking it Through: Women, Work and Caring in the New Millennium [PDF - 377 kB]
Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong (2001)

Equity and Diversity Approaches for Women Care Caregivers: The Impact of Health Reform [PDF - 271 kB] (1999)

Unpacking the Shift to Home Care [PDF - 164kB]
Colleen Flood (1999)

Home Care and Policy: Bringing Gender into Focus [PDF - 162 kB]
Sandy Bentley, Lesley Poirier, Carol Amaratunga, Janice Keefe, Gail Bruhm, Joan Campbell, Jocelyn Downie, Colleen Flood (1998)