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Young People

Research and products

Mind the Sex Gap: Bridging Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV Prevention for Young Heterosexual Males
[PDF 238 - kB]
Jacqueline Gahagan, Laurene A. Rehman (2004)

An Exploration of the Stress Experience of Mi'kmaq On-Reserve Female Youth in Nova Scotia [PDF - 890 kB]
Lynn McIntyre, Fred Wien, Sharon Rudderham, Loraine Etter, Carla Moore, Nancy MacDonald, Sally Johnson, Ann Gottschall (2001)

Adolescent Sexual Health Services and Education: Options for Nova Scotia
[PDF - 274 kB]
Donald B. Langille (2000)

Les services de santé sexuelle et d'éducation pour les adolescents: Les options en Nouvelle-Écosse [PDF - 290 kB]
Donald B. Langille (2000)

Developing Understanding From Young Women's Experiences in Obtaining Sexual Health Services and Education in a Nova Scotia Community: Lessons for Educators, Physicians and Pharmacies [PDF - 262 kB]
Donald Langille, Janice Graham, Emily Marshall, Melissa Blake, Christina Chitty, Heather Doncaster-Scott (1999)
