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Research and products

Maternity Matters: Why Should We be Concerned About the State of Maternity Care?
[PDF - 307 kB] (2007)

Gender-based Analysis and Wait Times: New Questions, New Knowledge - discussion paper [PDF - 175 kB]
Beth E. Jackson, Ann Pederson, Madeline Boscoe (2006)

Policy Options to Support Dependent Care: The Tax/Transfer System [PDF - 348 kB]
Richard Shillington (2004)

The Status of Canadian Nursing Home Care: Universality, Accessibility, and Comprehensiveness [PDF - 206 kB]
Robin Stadnyk (2002)

Home Care and Women: An Annotated Bibliography [PDF - 35 kB]
Heather Goodman (2001)

Primary (Health) Care and Women: An Annotated Bibliography [PDF - 151 kB]
Carolyn Schellenberg (2001)

Challenging Heterosexism: Towards Non-Heterosexist Policy and Regulation in Health and Social Security Agencies [PDF - 377 kB]
Leslie Bella, Lori Yetman (2000)

Equitable Access to Healthcare, Health Promotion, and Disease Prevention for Recent Immigrant Women Living in Nova Scotia, Canada: Report on Phase 1 [PDF - 134 kB]
Swarna Weerasinghe, Terry Mitchell, Linda Hamilton, Mireille Ragheb (2000)

Building Alliances to Improve Women's Occupational Health [PDF - 132 kB]
Karen Messing (1999)

The Legal System and its Impact on Women's Health: A Largely
Uninvestigated Terrain
[PDF - 228 kB]
Olena Hankivsky (1999)

PEI Well Women's Clinics: A Case Study of Gender Specific Clinics to Increasing Screening Rates [PDF - 201 kB]
Glenda Vardy Dell (1999)

Social Justice and Women's Health: A Canadian Perspective [PDF - 164 kB]
Olena Hankivsky (1999)

Home Care and Policy: Bringing Gender into Focus [PDF - 162 kB]
Sandy Bentley, Lesley Poirier, Carol Amaratunga, Janice Keefe, Gail Bruhm, Joan Campbell, Jocelyn Downie, Colleen Flood (1998)
