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New Brunswick Government Announces its Intention to Regulate and Fund Midwifery in the Province [PDF - 19 kB]
Press Release (2007)

Excerpts From: Written Submission to Law Amendments Committee Regarding Bill No. 107 An Act Respecting Midwifery [PDF - 32 kB]
Christine Saulnier, Marlo Shinyei (2006)

Want to Know More About Midwives? - brochure [PDF - 260 kB] (2006)

The Final Push? Making Midwives Part of the Nova Scotia Health System - presentation [PDF - 242 kB]
Christine Saulnier (2005)

Midwifery in Ontario: Who's Afraid of Midwives? - presentation [PDF - 542 kB]
Vicki Van Wagner (2005)

Midwives Part of the Nova Scotia Health System? [PDF - 29 kB]
Press Release (2005)

NS Department of Health Primary Maternity Care Working Group - presentation
[PDF - 64 kB]
Bernice Martin (2005)

Why We Need to "Push" (for Regulated Midwifery) International Day of the Midwife
- presentation [PDF - 45 kB]
Kerstin Martin (2005)

The Birthing Mother and the Doula Connection - pamphlet [PDF - 109 kB]
Teresa Pitman (2004)

Cesarean on Demand - presentation [PDF - 3.9 MB]
David Young (2004)

Choosing a Cesarean Birth: A Forum to Discuss the Issues [PDF - 20 kB]
Press Release (2004)

The Debate about Caesarean "On Demand" Choice, Risk and the Politics of Birth
- presentation [PDF - 1 MB]
David Young (2004)

Improving Maternity and Newborn Care for All Women in Canada [PDF - 21 kB]
Press Release (2004)

The Prince Edward Island Roundtable on the State of Maternity and Newborn Care
[PDF - 379 kB]
Patsy Beattie-Huggan (2004)

Proceedings from The Midwifery Way: A National Forum Reflecting on the State of Midwifery Regulation in Canada [PDF - 3.3 MB] (2004)

The Newfoundland and Labrador Midwifery Consultation Meeting [PDF - 137 kB]
Christine Saulnier (2003)
