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Aboriginal Women

Research and products

Aboriginal Women, Water and Health: Reflections from Eleven First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Grandmothers
[PDF - 454 kB]
Kim Anderson (2010)

The Impact of Overweight and Obesity on Maternal and Newborn Health: A Critical Review of the Literature [PDF - 414 kB]
Kathy Petite, Barbara Clow (2010)

Aboriginal Women and Obesity in Canada: A Review of the Literature [PDF - 520 kB]

Striking to the Heart of the Matter: Selected Readings on Gender and HIV
[PDF - 1.5 MB]
Carol Amaratunga, Jacqueline Gahagan, Susan Rolston, Barbara Clow (2002)

Aboriginal Women's Health Research Synthesis Project - final report [PDF - 316 kB]
Madeleine Dion Stout, Gregory D. Kipling, Roberta Stout (2001)

An Exploration of the Stress Experience of Mi'kmaq On-Reserve Female Youth in Nova Scotia [PDF - 890 kB]
Lynn McIntyre, Fred Wien, Sharon Rudderham, Loraine Etter, Carla Moore, Nancy MacDonald, Sally Johnson, Ann Gottschall (2001)

Ethnicity, Income and Access to Health Care in the Atlantic Region: A Synthesis of the Literature [PDF -130 kB]
Najma R. Sharif, Atul A. Dar, Carol Amaratunga (2000)

The Legal System and its Impact on Women's Health: A Largely Uninvestigated Terrain [PDF - 228 kB]
Olena Hankivsky (1999)

