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Looking Back, Thinking Ahead

Ideas and perspectives

On March 15 - 18, 2009, ACEWH hosted an international conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia entitled: Looking Back, Thinking Ahead: Using Research to Improve Policy and Practice in Women's Health.

Program information:

The purpose of the event was to offer researchers, policy makers and community members the opportunity to reflect on past achievements and learning in the area of women's health research and policy, and to exchange knowledge, ideas and perspectives about the future of women's health research and policy.

New work highlighting indigenous women's health—both in Canada and internationally, cut across conference themes and informed topic areas. A spectrum of presentations are available below.

Research and products

Addressing the Determinants of Health Through "Team Spirit"
[PDF - 73 kB]
Sydney Millar (2009)

Barriers to Breast Health Practices in Ethnocultural Women [PDF - 311 kB]
Lucia Yiu (2009)

Building on the Evidence: Creating a Women's Cancer Strategy [PDF - 1.5 MB]
Wendy Cyr (2009)

Charting Future Directions in Gender, Sex and Health Research: Locating the Women's Health Agenda [PDF - 902 kB]
Joy L. Johnson (2009)

Drugs, Devices and Women’s Health: Advocating for Protection [PDF - 601 kB]
Anne Rochon Ford (2009)

Engendering Regional Health Planning in Manitoba [PDF - 1.5 kB]
Margaret Haworth-Brockman, Harpa Isfeld (2009)

Exploring Black Women's Experience of Hysterectomy [PDF - 1.8 MB]
L. Adongo (2009)

From Data to the Right Services [PDF - 278 kB]
Gloria Chaim, Joanna Henderson (2009)

Health And Gender Equity – abstracts [PDF - 92 kB] (2009)

The Impact of Phthalates on Women's Reproductive Health: Current State-of-the-Science and Future Directions [PDF - 354 kB]
Maria P. Vélez, Patricia Monnier, Warren G. Foster, William D. Fraser (2009)

Increasing Physical Activity Opportunities for Women 55-70 [PDF - 313 kB]

"It's good once you get there": Young Rural Women's Experiences With Accessing Specialized Health Care [PDF - 221 kB]
Jessie Sheppard, Dr. Lois Jackson, Dr. Brenda Beagan, Dr. Anita Unruh (2009)

Lessons Learned: Participatory Action Research with Young Aboriginal Women
[PDF - 510 kB]
Tara-Leigh McHugh & Kent Kowalski (2009)

Looking Back, Thinking Ahead (acting now?) - ACEWH Conference [PDF - 2.4 MB] Andrea Chircop (2009)

The Making of Substance Use in Pregnancy Into a Women's Health Issue
[PDF - 837 kB]
Nancy Poole, Lorraine Greaves (2009)

Miracle Survivor [PDF - 2 MB]
Theda New Breast (2009)

Native Women's Association of Canada: An Introduction to Advocacy [PDF - 2.1 MB] (2009)

Negative Context, Positive Diagnosis: Women’s Experiences of Menstrual Disorder
[PDF – 255 kB]
Erin Fredericks (2009)

The Pervasiveness of Trauma Among Canadian Women in Treatment for Alcohol Use [PDF - 2.1 MB]
Catrina Brown, C. Brown, K. Petite, A. Haanstra, S. Stewart (2009)

Photovoice Process, Reflecting Women's Lives [PDF - 2.6 MB]
Joanne Havelock, Brigette Krieg, Beverly Palibroda (2009)

Programme SAHARA: (Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS and Health Research Alliance)
[PDF - 497 kB] (2009)

Results for Women: Research, Policy and Activism [PDF - 132 kB]
Marion Stevens (2009)

Rural Women and Community Well-Being [PDF - 1.6 MB]
Joanne Havelock (2009)

Speaking Truth to Power: Moving Research on Women & Health Care Reform into Policy and Practice [PDF - 368 kB]
Pat Armstrong, Madeline Boscoe, Barbara Clow, Karen Grant,
Margaret Haworth-Brockman, Beth Jackson, Ann Pederson, Morgan Seeley (2009)

A Statistical Depiction of Shelters and Services for Women Experiencing Violence and Abuse in Nova Scotia [PDF - 68 kB] (2009)

The Source‐Survey‐Synthesis Tool: Increasing Knowledge Translation in Women’s Health Research and Policy [PDF - 800 kB]
Jocelyn Wentland, Lorraine Greaves (2009)

Unequal Opportunities, Unequal Outcomes: Physical Activity Beliefs & Behaviours in LSES Mothers [PDF - 552 kB]
Elizabeth (Beth) Mansfield (2009)

Unfair, Unequal, Ineffective, Inefficient: Knowledge Synthesis, Translation & Exchange of the WHO Women and Gender Equity Knowledge Network Paper
[PDF - 796 kB] (2009)

"We Just Have to Figure it Out": Engaging marginalized Young Women in Public Policy Making [PDF - 152 kB]
Leah Levac (2009)

Women, Gender and Health: Looking back, thinking ahead [PDF - 1.1 MB]
Lorraine Greaves (2009)

Xenoestrogens & Breast Cancer Chemical Risk and Policy Implications [PDF - 56 kB]
Sarah Young & Dugald Seely (2009)
